
Mabinogi celebrates its 17th anniversary with gifts and a roadmap sneak peek

A very happy birthday goes out to Nexon's Mabinogi, the surprisingly full-featured anime MMORPG sandbox that's been operating for an impressive 17 years now!...

EverQuest lavishes buffs and gifts upon players for its 26th anniversary

Believe it or not, the 26th anniversary of EverQuest is upon us, celebrating the original launch of the MMORPG on March 16th, 1999. And...

Dark Age of Camelot marks its 23rd birthday with gifts and realm bonuses

While some MMOs we could name are preening their feathers at becoming 20 years old this year, Dark Age of Camelot is like, "Oh...

Blizzard throws anniversary celebrations for Diablo IV and Diablo Immortal

How can you top one birthday celebration? By stacking another one on top of it, of course. And that's the two-hellbirds-with-one-stone approach that Blizzard...

MMOARG Orna’s sixth anniversary celebration turns devs into boss mobs

Everyone loves a birthday bash, but MMOARG Orna's bash offers a unique twist of the dev variety. For its sixth Ornaversary, the game will...

Elder Scrolls Online celebrates its 10th anniversary with cake, buffs, and boons

Happy birthday to Elder Scrolls Online, which turns 10 years old this month! As you might expect, ZeniMax is pulling all the stops to...
Why Is Trion Like This, Just Kidding, We Actually Know

RIFT celebrates its 13th anniversary with a free week of patron status

Whether its continued existence constitutes a blessing or its continued neglect a curse, RIFT has made it to its 13th birthday as of March...

SWGEmu celebrates Star Wars Galaxies’ 20th birthday year with a tribute video

Yes, Star Wars Galaxies celebrated its 20th anniversary back in June - we wrote all about it - but we like SWG 'round these...

Forgotten Realms’ Ed Greenwood helms Neverwinter’s 10th anniversary events, starting today

A week ago, we noted that Neverwinter was already gearing up for its 10th anniversary, and Cryptic is not letting this one slide under...

Dungeons and Dragons Online’s 17th anniversary event kicks off this Wednesday

You know how you hate all those websites that make you feel ancient by reminding you that such-and-such is this many years old already?...

The Stream Team: Goofiness galore for the 8th MOPiversary

Happy 8th anniversary, Massively Overpowered! That's right, MOP is now eight times more overpowered than before. And to celebrate this very auspicious day, MJ...

Broken Ranks players have died 6.3M times since its launch one year ago

Believe it or not, Polish studio Whitemoon Games launched Broken Ranks a year ago tomorrow, and the devs are celebrating in a recap post...

Elder Scrolls Online’s server woes resurface while its anniversary event parties hard

Even as Elder Scrolls Online rolls out the red carpet for the MMO's 8th birthday, server issues continue to plague the game. ZeniMax has...

Elder Scrolls Online’s eighth anniversary brings out bonuses, High Isle preview

The other day on the podcast, we were noting that Elder Scrolls Online turning eight this week seems downright young compared to some of...

EverQuest turns 23 years old and throws a bash to match

It's a very happy birthday to EverQuest, which marked its 23rd birthday this week following its release back in March 1999. Let's just absorb...

EverQuest II celebrates its 17th anniversary, hires a new tradeskill designer

Where were you back in November 2004 when EverQuest II first came on the scene? A lot of expectations were placed on this follow-up...

Wizard101 and Pirate101 get ‘spooktacular’ with Halloween and anniversary events

Considering that Wizard101's multi-genre setting is already 79% of the way to Halloween most days of the year, pushing it over the edge into...

Grab a MU Online scroll key to buff your new Gun Crusher toon on the speed server

Webzen MU Online is embarking on a new journey today with the release of the first chunk of its 16th season, which includes a...
Sure, this is above the ground, but you get the general idea, right?

Riders of Icarus celebrates five years with an event, giveaways, items, and sales

Surprise! It's the fifth anniversary of mount-centric MMORPG Riders of Icarus and the game is celebrating the occasion with a whole lot of free...

Lord of the Rings Online rings in its 14th anniversary

It was 14 years ago that the shadowy forces of evil in Middle-earth faced an incoming horde of intrepid adventurers who were dedicated to...