bug fixes

Lord of the Rings Online holds hiring spree, weathers post-patch bumps

Lord of the Rings Online is going on a bit of a hiring spree these days as Standing Stone Games seeks to fill several...

Lost Ark patches in the groundwork for new server cluster Europe West [Update: West is live now!]

Amazon's Lost Ark patch overnight wasn't a huge one: It's largely a list of bug fixes with dyes, store connection, in-game schedules, DX11, chat,...

The Stream Team: Looking at SWTOR’s Legacy of the Sith

New SWTOR content is finally here! There may not be much to it, and it may be buggy... but it isn't like Massively OP's...

The Daily Grind: What are the most inconsequential pet peeves you hold against MMOs?

When it comes to the topic of pet peeves in gaming, I think there are certainly many valid categories that are deserving of ire,...

Lost Ark addresses stability, queue, and missing content issues

Even citing an "amazing first week" for Lost Ark, Amazon can't deny that the MMOARPG has seen its fair share of launch struggles. The...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends celebrates Valentine’s Day with the returning Ewok Festival of Love

"Allayloo ta nuv!" That's not me facerolling on my keyboard, that's Ewokese for "celebrate the love," and that's just what Star Wars Galaxies Legends...

The MOP Up: Fiesta Online logs into the Realm of Love

"The loveliest season of the year has begun and the little bees are busy transporting love letters from town to town. Bells are ringing...

The Stream Team: Destroying desert dangers in Global Agenda

Global Agenda is still going after its surprise resurrection, And Massively OP's MJ is going to take advantage of it and play through the...

DC Universe Online’s GU120 is live with the Love Conquers All event

DC Universe Online rolled out its Valentine's day festivities with last night's GU 120 in the form of a seasonal event dubbed Love Conquers...
What... what do we do now.

Path of Exile’s Siege of the Atlas lands on console – here’s what GGG is working on next

With Path of Exile's Siege of the Atlas expansion out - even on console, where it released last night - and apparently doing rather...

New World cleans up bugs, preps South American server merges

While part of Amazon Games is busy shepherding the Lost Ark headstart, another part is focused on getting New World's February update out the...

No, you’re not in trouble if Lost Ark awarded you multiple founder packs

(We've updated the end of this article with Amazon's latest announcement about this issue.) Blink and you missed it: An odd bug with Lost Ark's...

PlanetSide 2 PC adds a Valentine’s Day directive and cash shop items, makes further Oshur tweaks

Love is in the air in the PC version of PlanetSide 2. Or at least bolts from a Valentine's-themed crossbow are in the air....

Black Desert’s Gyfin Rhasia Temple underground rework is live in today’s update

You know it's a Wednesday when Black Desert's PC version has released no less than 11 announcement posts on its front page. Chief among them...

New World had to disable its Valentine’s cosmetics over… crash bugs

Lost Ark may be Amazon's new baby, but that doesn't mean New World is being entirely neglected, even with an ever-ensmallening playerbase. This week,...

Hands-on with Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons’ newly unveiled jade bots mastery

With the launch of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons less than a month away, and the release date finally revealed, ArenaNet has held...

Diablo II Resurrected plans Patch 2.4 ladder testing in the very near future

Diablo II: Resurrected is continuing to turn the knobs on its ballyhooed Patch 2.4 as PTR testing has moved along. The next step in...

The MOP Up: Aion Classic adds the wardrobe and Abyss treasure room

Aion Classic's 1.8 update arrived this past week, which added the Abyss treasure room, the wardrobe system, fortress siege changes, quest progression, and more...

Seafaring MMO Atlas patches in Lunar New Year stuff, offers 2022 roadmap

Somehow I don't immediately think of Wildcard's and Grapeshot's malingering MMO Atlas when I think about Lunar New Year, but it turns out the...

PvPvE FPS The Cycle’s March 10 closed beta brings new campaigns, activities, monsters, and map

Do you remember The Cycle? It's a multiplayer PvPvE FPS that first made it to our corner of gaming in July 2018, promising "a...