community q&a
Pantheon Rise of the Fallen talks stats, art style, character death, and 2024 plans in new Q&A
This week saw yet another Q&A video from the devs of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, and once again the questions that were asked...
Kickstarted VR MMO Ilysia discusses gameplay, promises collaborative and honest early access
Ilysia is once again taking an hour's worth of video roundtable to address player questions and comments as the game continues to move towards...
Closers opens up for a player Q&A session and highlights latest events in video
Those who prefer to get their Closers information without having to scroll through the game's usual ultra-long image posts are now able to enjoy...
Final Fantasy XIV is hosting a Q&A session at PAX East
It's been a couple of years, but Final Fantasy XIV is bringing Naoki Yoshida back to PAX East once again. And he's even hosting...
New World answers community questions with its latest developer video
Do you want to hear the New World developers admit they screwed up? Because that's the answer to the first question in the newest...
Final Fantasy XI developers plan a Reddit AMA for next week
The Final Fantasy XI team is still not the best at talking to the game's North American fanbase, but it's getting better. (Getting better...
Bless Unleashed answers a whole slew of player questions
The most recent community livestream for Bless Unleashed answered a lot of player questions. No, really, a lot of player questions. You would be kind of...
Neverwinter prepares for the eighth Protector’s Jubilee starting on June 17
The eponymous city in Neverwinter has some problems. Literally, the place is an adventure magnet, and that means it's constantly besieged by monsters, demons,...
Bless Unleashed answers player questions on PC with a whole lot of nope
There's a whole lot of no in the latest set of community answers for Bless Unleashed. Can players have the option to turn off censorship...
Atlas addresses Armored Docks and other balance issues in its latest Q&A session
Armored docks in Atlas: Are they a good thing or a bad thing? The latest Q&A acknowledges that the answer is kind of both, and...
Atlas Q&A acknowledges problems with Alliances, island assaults, and experience
Depending on your perspective, the latest community Q&A for Atlas will be either positive or frustrating. For example, if you're hoping to hear some acknowledgement...
Crowfall hosts an hour-long art Q&A stream
When your game maintains an aggressive schedule of streaming, it can be a bit of a problem when your usual streaming host isn't available...
World of Warcraft Q&A explains why you’re not getting your Mark of the Wild back
Remember when everyone was very excited about how World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth was bringing back class buffs like Mark of the Wild?...
Skyforge answers player questions about future plans
So what's in the cards for the future of Skyforge? Players always want to know, and the most recent set of community questions and...
Crowfall delves deeper into crypts with its latest video Q&A
Are you still struggling to wrap your mind around the way that Crowfall's new Crypt system is going to work as character selection? The...
Crowfall’s most recent video Q&A covers crafting, stats, and demonstrations
Are you ready to make some ornamental accessories?! That may not seem like Crowfall's whole raison d'etre, but one of the major points covered...
BlizzCon 2017: World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth expansion live Q&A liveblog
Ah, here we go again. It's time for our final liveblog of BlizzCon 2017, and it's the World of Warcraft Q&A. And they're live...
Diablo III sums up why Necromancers are getting smaller sets and weaker cooldowns
Had you forgotten about the Diablo III Q&A stream about the Necromancer? Because that happened. Not to worry, though; there's a full summary available...
Chronicles of Elyria answers player questions in a two-hour video
The Chronicles of Elyria team hosted a public community Q&A session, and players had questions. And those questions... well, they were answered. Extensively. The...
Crowfall answers questions about stuff that doesn’t exist yet
The latest video Q&A from the Crowfall team answers a whole lot of questions about things that don't exist in the game at this...