
I'm the villain, too?

The Daily Grind: Which MMO suffers the worst patch-day issues?

So Final Fantasy XIV's latest patch literally broke the ability to visit players on other servers, which is sort of an inauspicious start when...
Oh, victis.

Siege Survival: Gloria Victis gets a new trailer and developer-narrated gameplay footage

Remember Siege Survival: Gloria Victis? Well, you should; it's the spinoff to the eponymous Gloria Victis that focuses on managing your way out of...
Time for a few small repairs.

No, Square-Enix is not looking to be bought out

Time to relax a little, people. A report last night had the internet in a tizzy after it suggested that Square-Enix had multiple other...
The Doom Brigade

World of Warcraft details exactly how adjustments to drops and mechanics will work in The Burning Crusade Classic

So, if you were wondering how exactly WoW Classic would handle the changes implemented over the course of The Burning Crusade, your questions have...

The Warcraft movie twitter shares some deleted scenes from the film

You may not have thought about the fact that there was a Warcraft movie for years, bu it turns out that there's still a...

Final Fantasy XIV restores the world visit system after technical outages

Good news for people trapped on other world servers in Final Fantasy XIV, these prison bars shall jail you no longer. The development team...
Bad men.

Ubisoft announces shutdown dates for several of its older online titles

Today's bad news for legacy online support is that some of Ubisoft's older titles now have a firm date of online shutdown. If you've...
Fingerblasting, I guess.

Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.5, Death Unto Dawn, is out today

The date has finally arrived for Final Fantasy XIV to get a new patch. Patch 5.5 is now live on the game's servers, bringing...
Feelings felt

Final Fantasy XIV prepares for its next live letter on May 15

If Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers got you to feel a feeling, you have Natsuko Ishikawa to thank for that. And she's working on the...

The Daily Grind: What mount type do you wish more MMOs would offer?

Here are some of my mounts in Final Fantasy XIV: a sheep. A flying pig. A giant moss-covered sneezing monster. A drifting stalk of a...

Outriders offers players a care package to compensate for server outages and bugs

The launch for Outriders was messy because at this point it's just apparently de rigeur that every online launch is filled with connectivity issues and...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW Factor: Why WoW Classic players are mad about the Burning Crusade character boost

I'm not going to lie to anyone here: When the World of Warcraft: Classic team first announced the idea that you could boost a...

Final Fantasy XIV posts its patch notes for patch 5.5, Death Unto Dawn

Final Fantasy XIV's next major patch arrives in just four days, but it's time to find out exactly what's in the patch right now....
What was I made for?

The Daily Grind: Which MMO company is the worst at managing its message?

You've probably noticed that there are some studios and companies wherein the players seem to have a downright acerbic relationship with the people making...

Final Fantasy XIV details the quality-of-life improvements coming with Death Unto Dawn

The upcoming patch 5.5 for Final Fantasy XIV isn't just bringing new content, although it's definitely delivering that. It's also bringing new quality-of-life improvements to...
Here comes a rugby match.

Gloria Victis has shifted all early access players to upgraded client-side engine

For a few months now, Gloria Victis has been splitting its attention. Some players have been using the upgraded engine client while others have been...
The Doom Brigade

The Burning Crusade Classic turns the level cap to 70 and adds tutorials to boost characters

It's time to test out the apex of power in WoW Classic's first expansion, as the beta for The Burning Crusade Classic has just raised the...
We're fine! We're fine. Everything is fine. This is fine.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off Hatching-tide on April 14

Were you the one person wondering why in the world you couldn't get yourself a chicken suit in Final Fantasy XIV? Did you stay up...
lol, no

E3 2021 is officially a digital-only event this year

So it was rumored and so it has come to pass: E3 2021 is happening this year, but it'll be free to everyone and...

TERA’s console version won’t fix its latest patch bugs until the end of April

While the most recent console patch for TERA was welcome for anyone interested in playing an Elin Valkyrie, it also brought with its some pretty...