Official Site: Diablo III
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 15, 2012
Genre: Gothic Fantasy OARPG
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Mac, PS2, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
diablo III
Blizzard offers a plethora of game discounts with its holiday sale this year
We don't really like advertising sales consistently here on Massively Overpowered because we already have actual advertising on the site and that costs money....
Diablo Immortal kicks off technical alpha, confirms that it’s free-to-play
Queries about telephonic ownership aside, Diablo Immortal still has the attention of many who would dearly like to see an official Diablo on a...
Diablo IV works to ‘get itemization right,’ promises something ‘chunky’ for BlizzConline
When you come to a Diablo game, your brain is often just craving one thing: those loot explosions. Gear is a major source of...
Wolcen team teases first Chronicle, Bloodtrail, with Diablo III-esque seasons
In the months following its release, the developers of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem pursued an aggressive schedule of fixes and balance changes, an initiative...
Diablo III has opened the unholy doors of Season 22
How is it that we are already at the 22nd season for Diablo III? No matter, we need to be killin', not ponderin'!
The fields...
Diablo III Season 22 introduces shadow clones and a fourth Kanai’s Cube slot on November 20
The seasons keep rolling on in Diablo III, with the ARPG's 22nd season, Shades of the Nephalem, confirmed for Friday, November 20th. As the...
Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that you can play on the Nintendo Switch
Nintendo hasn't held the title of "serious gamer console" in a while, with specs that lack the sheer graphical and processing muscles of the...
First Impressions: OARPG Torchlight III just hasn’t click-clicked with me yet
Since it never hurts to be honest, I should say upfront here that Echtra Games' decision to radically retool Torchlight III from a F2P...
Not So Massively: Reflections on Blizzard, one year after the Hong Kong fiasco
Almost exactly a year ago, I declared that the Blizzard I loved is dead, in reaction to the Blitzchung/Hearthstone/Hong Kong fiasco.
Twelve months later, that...
The MOP Up: Wakfu’s great server merge
Wakfu has finally set a date for its server merges. French servers are consolidating on October 14th, while international shards are coming together the...
Diablo III prepares its next season and item changes for public testing on October 1
The dawn of another season in Diablo III will soon be upon us, but before that is the daybreak of an upcoming PTR session...
Desert Oasis: Black Desert’s outlook in the lead-up to Crimson Desert
I've played nothing but the Black Desert season servers in the last month. It's such a fresh breath of air, and it's something I...
Not So Massively: Online ARPGs are the pizza of gaming
I spend a lot of time thinking about online ARPGs these days. It's always been a genre I've enjoyed, and since taking over the...
Diablo III has launched Season 21, Trials of the Tempests
Not that Diablo III was ever a calm and peaceful game at the best of times, but with the advent of Season 21, it's...
Blizzard celebrates 20 years of Diablo II
It brought us memes, it brought us Necromancers, it brought us farming for loot, and it theoretically brought us a showdown against evil creatures...
Diablo III adds random elemental power discharges for Season 21
If you're still waiting for Diablo IV, you are still going to be waiting for quite some time. That's just the reality of the...
Not So Massively: My top 10 favorite ARPG classes
I love me some ARPGs, but in any RPG your enjoyment will depend so much on finding the right class. A game that felt...
Corepunk embraces being a ‘traditional MMORPG’, shows off alpha gameplay
Last December, Corepunk blasted onto the MMO scene - and into our top list of MMOs to watch this year - when Dutch studio...
Hearthstone is boarded by pirates while Diablo wraps up Season 20
It's not International Talk Like a Pirate Day, but cutthroat seafarers are making the headlines over in Hearthstone with today's Patch 17.4. The update...
There are multiple heroes planned for Heroes of the Storm this year, and there’s snow falling now
It's been a quiet first half of the year in Heroes of the Storm, but players have been promised that there are multiple new...