
Elder Scrolls Online celebrates Skyrim’s 10th anniversary with a new video for the MMO

The Elder Scrolls franchise is having one hell of a week: Not only did Elder Scrolls Online just drop Deadlands, its last DLC of...

Elder Scrolls Online wraps up its Oblivion adventures with today’s Deadlands DLC

Elder Scrolls Online's final content update of the year -- and the end of the Oblivion-themed Blackwood expansion cycle -- is finally here for...

The Elder Scrolls Online teases the stories waiting in this week’s Deadlands DLC launch

As one might expect out of a new area in Elder Scrolls Online, there's going to be plenty of quests and narratives weaving around...

Aliens Fireteam Elite promises new game modes, new kits, and new weapons in a year one roadmap

As we noted last week, things in the world of Aliens: Fireteam Elite aren't looking good, aren’t looking good, and not just because there...
Ow! That's sharp!

Elder Scrolls Online previews the armory system coming in Update 32

We're just a week away from Elder Scrolls Online's Deadlands drop on PC, but it's always worth remembering that the DLC isn't the only...

Elder Scrolls Online highlights the locations and creatures of the Deadlands zone

If you think you've seen everything possible out of a Daedric prince's zone in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, the devs of Elder Scrolls Online would...

Massively Overthinking: Should MMOs have endings – or at least end points?

I suspect most MMO players are going to read that question and immediately balk at it. We think of MMOs as being defined in...

Conan Exiles releases People of the Dragon DLC on all platforms today

Funcom has turned a whole ton of its attention back to Conan Exiles with the release of the 2.6 update and the People of...

Elder Scrolls Online offers a free subscription trial for the next week

Have you ever wondered what life is like on the other side of the subscription barrier in Elder Scrolls Online but were too cheap...

Animal Crossing New Horizons adds cooking and island design in major update and paid DLC

If you thought Animal Crossing: New Horizons was effectively dead lately, you're not alone: The updates for the last six months were unhappy times even...

Elder Scrolls Online’s creative director says New World’s success will ‘shake things up’ and ‘get the creative juices flowing’

A rising tide raises all ships, and nowhere is that more true than in the MMO genre, as new games succeeding can often mean...

The Game Archaeologist: Kingdom of Loathing

It is, in so many ways, the antithesis of a modern MMORPG. It has crude stick figure drawings instead of lush 3-D graphics. It...

The MOP Up: Ashes of Creation won’t date Alpha 2 testing – at least, not yet

Ashes of Creation has yet another chunky batch of question-absent answers to the community that it posted on the forums. Intrepid said that it...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Deadlands DLC launches November 1 on PC, hits 19M players

During its big reveal stream this afternoon, ZeniMax Online took the wraps off off multiple content and event additions for The Elder Scrolls Online...
Hot hot hot.

The Elder Scrolls Online previews the Deadlands DLC exploring the realm of Oblivion

Johnny Cash told us all that love is a burning thing that makes a fiery ring. Also a burning thing is the realm of...

Elder Scrolls Online tests Deadlands DLC and new armory system

The big fall release for Elder Scrolls Online is on the way -- and is in fact being tested as we speak. ZeniMax announced...

LittleBigPlanet’s PS3 and Vita servers will remain offline permanently thanks to a toxic hacker

This past May we reported on the woes of the original LittleBigPlanet, a cutesy 2.5-D platformer that is a primarily single-player experience but also...

The Soapbox: Single-player open worlds will never equal those of MMORPGs

These days it seems like sprawling open worlds are becoming an ever more popular choice for single-player games, from the newer Assassin's Creed titles...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Waking Flame DLC and update 31 are live on console today

It's not every Elder Scrolls Online update that we get to say the best parts are aimed at console players, but it's true this...

ARK Survival Evolved made it to Google Stadia, counts 20M sales since 2015

It might almost seem an afterthought to put ARK Survival Evolved on Stadia at this late a date, given that ARK II is already under...