
Lord of the Rings Online’s Fall of Khazad-dûm raid and update 30 class balancing are now in testing

Delays are behind it now: Lord of the Rings Online has opened up its test server with update 30 in tow as promised, so...
Pie, meet sky.

Mike Morhaime’s new company teams up with other ex-Blizzard studios for mutual support

The story of Blizzard's most notable leaders doesn't end the moment they walk out of that studio's doors forever. For example, former Blizz president...

Casually Classic: Fondly looking back at World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade beginner zones

Whenever discussion about Burning Crusade turns to which zones players like the best, it's almost always focused solely on the seven additional Outland regions...

Flameseeker Chronicles: The disappointing second half of Guild Wars 2’s Icebrood Saga

Welcome to part two of this overview of Guild Wars 2's The Icebrood Saga. Last time, I talked about how the first half of...

Lord of the Rings Online starts testing Update 30’s 12-player raid

Oh, Azog, will you never change? That long-running adversary is a naughty chap indeed in need of stern discipline. A preview of that spanking...

The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs as the designers intended, or do you go your own way?

Today's Daily Grind topic comes courtesy of MOP's resident meme-maker, Schlag Sweetleaf, who urged me to write about this after the piece we did...

Destiny 2 brings back Future War Cult weapons, dates the next Iron Banner, and plans to sell baby Fallen plushies

The weekly Bungie newsletter is very often a stew of various things, but this week certainly seems more mixed than most as it outlines...

Everything we learned from the Final Fantasy XIV Digital Fan Festival 2021

Update: We've now summarized the event after the intro; the liveblog itself can still be found in the comments. The original intro follows. It's time,...

Massively on the Go: Why Pokemon Go’s COVID changes should stay, not roll back

Pokemon Go’s already tried rolling back some of its COVID features, and between the original announcement of its June disappearance and the announcement of...

WoW Classic backs down on cloning prices, connects soon-to-be-desolated servers

You see, it wasn't just us complaining about the obscenely high price point of WoW Classic's upcoming cloning service. The $35 option received so...

Massively Overthinking: Should PvP MMOs offer PvE servers?

Last week, we covered the revelation that Corepunk is considering adding PvE servers to roster, and I have to say I didn't see it...

Survival shooter Generation Zero introduces base defense gameplay and new craftable items in the Resistance update

The co-op survival FPS Generation Zerio has introduced some potentially intriguing features to its gameplay loop, not the least of which is a shift...

Four Winds: Final thoughts on Elyon’s first closed beta test

Elyon's closed beta test came and went, and boy am I happy with what I played. It was unfortunate that the test fell on...

Blade & Soul’s Winds of Rage is live with new heroic dungeon and events

As promised, Blade & Soul's Winds of Rage update is live this week. The 12.1 patch includes the titular 6-perspon heroic dungeon Thornwind Cavern...

Amazon’s New World posts big May alpha update, plans July 6 alpha end

Amazon's New World is heading into a transition period this summer as the company shifts from alpha to closed beta and then to launch....

Choose My Adventure: How guidance made all the difference in MapleStory

Boy, am I glad I read the comments. That's not an admission that I very often make when it comes to my online life,...

Swords of Legends Online previews its first five dungeons in new video drops

Gameforge has already dropped a ton of trailers for Swords of Legends Online, but today's batch might be the clearest look at what you'll...
Oh snaps.

World of Warcraft’s lead system designer Morgan Day talks about Torghast, raid design, and class tuning

When is patch 9.1 arriving for World of Warcraft? According to a new interview with lead system designer Morgan Day, the answer is still "soon."...

The Daily Grind: Why won’t World of Warcraft add player housing?

Out of all of the many frustrating decisions that Blizzard has made, its stubborn refusal to add a proper player housing system to World...

Casually Classic: Yeah, those Burning Crusade Classic prices are stupid high

If there's anything that Blizzard excels in doing these days, it's taking a slam-dunk publicity announcement and turning it into a hurricane of poop....