
See: Elite: Dangerous

Elite Dangerous compromises on Odyssey’s VR capabilities, but ‘walking in ships’ won’t make launch

When Frontier announced Elite Dangerous' Odyssey expansion earlier this summer, it came with a belated caveat: that the expansion wouldn't include VR compatibility at...

Elite Dangerous previews Odyssey’s atmospheric planets in new dev video

Back at the top of June, Frontier announced that the massive Elite Dangerous expansion it's been working on for ages is called Odyssey, coming...
Right, right, space. We're in it.

Elite Dangerous adjusts overlapping hotspots and tritium performance

Fleet carriers are big and they cause balance issues in Elite Dangerous. Not unfixable ones, mind you; just ones that have to be adjusted...

Elite Dangerous will hand out free tritium to Fleet Carriers to combat a fuel shortage

You'd think in a video game where resources can just be populated at the developers' will that a fuel shortage wouldn't be possible, but...
books about space here

Elite: Dangerous touches on player feedback from its latest patch, promises more Odyssey news soon

The players of Elite: Dangerous have some thoughts on the most recent Fleet Carriers patch, so the folks at Frontier Developments have offered up...

Elite: Dangerous fixes an installation issues for fleet carriers that may result in a new crew member

Fleet carriers have some bugs in Elite: Dangerous, and the newest patch for the game arriving tomorrow is fixing one of the major bugs...

Make My MMO: Star Citizen fashion, Triton Survival, and Legends of Aria’s launch

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Star Citizen posted an infographic on its fashion cosmetics, Albion Online previewed its August release, Legends of Aria finally...

Elite: Dangerous applies bug fixes to Fleet Carriers as a community convention goes virtual

Elite: Dangerous has once more applied a patch to help mitigate several Fleet Carrier bugs this past Tuesday. Players should now see a variety...

Choose My Adventure: EVE Online wasn’t really all that bad I guess

As I alluded to last week, I’ve been putting in a lot of thought into my time with EVE Online over the course of...

The Daily Grind: What are the coolest MMO alien races?

OK, for today's topic, we're going to be limiting ourselves strictly to scifi MMORPGs (sorry fantasy, you'll have to settle for pretty much 95%...

Elite: Dangerous sets new player concurrency records on Steam

There's been a renewed interest in Elite: Dangerous recently, possibly owing to the upcoming Odyssey expansion as well as the recent Fleet Carriers update...

Elite Dangerous is working on a list of Fleet Carrier bugs – including the blonde hair bug

The launch of the Fleet Carriers update to Elite: Dangerous hasn't exactly gone off without a hitch, as a number of players are reporting...
Black Lives Matter.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 275: What truly matters

Justin, MJ, and Bree talk Black Lives Matter, Path of Exile, Elite Dangerous, FFXIV Fanfest, with adventures in ESO, WoW, Astroneer, LOTRO, Subnautica, SWG Legends, and mailbag topics on redesigning mages and what WoW did right.

Elite Dangerous’ Fleet Carriers update is live today on PC and console

It didn't quite make its original launch time this morning, but it is nevertheless patch day for Frontier's Elite Dangerous, as the long-awaited Fleet...

One Shots: Do you have a few moments to talk about Jediism?

Here's a player housing pro-tip that is useful when striking up a settlement in a risky location: Make a door. A big door. A...

Elite Dangerous’ Odyssey expansion won’t include base building or VR compatibility at launch

Earlier this week, Frontier summoned cheers with the announcement that next year's Elite Dangerous expansion is called Odyssey and will indeed include content that...

Elite Dangerous begins its ‘next era’ Odyssey next year – yes, it’s the space legs expansion

Today's Elite Dangerous expansion announcement isn't going to come as a surprise to long-time players, who already knew that Frontier was working on a...

Choose My Adventure: Star Trek Online and my hunger for a space MMO

My installation of Star Citizen isn't working right, and Elite Dangerous has some neat things going on but not the right kind of hooks...
Big trucking.

David Braben of Elite: Dangerous sees physical games going away in two to three years

Attention, everyone who ordered a physical copy of a video game within the past year: David Braben is coming for your physical games with...

Elite Dangerous plans Fleet Carriers launch for June 9, with bug fixes and mining balances along the way

Elite Dangerous' Fleet Carriers may have been delayed from last year, but the update is on track now: Frontier formalized a June 9th launch...