
Massively Overthinking: Do you care more about MMO stats or looks?

This week's Massively Overthinking is fully inspired by the unicorn backpack meme, which Black Desert studio Pearl Abyss tweeted out last week with the caption "stats over looks any day." You know we have to talk about this.

The Soapbox: A belated The Secret World post-mortem

This weeks marks the eleventh anniversary of the launch of The Secret World. While the game is still playable (for those with existing accounts),...

World of Warcraft clarifies gearing and testing for 9.2, bolsters the cash shop again

Anyone looking forward to World of Warcraft patch 9.2 being playable on the game's test server in the near future should temper those expectations somewhat,...

Desert Oasis: A guide to some of Black Desert’s world bosses and their weapons

You know what I want to be when I grow up? A boss. Not the kind that starts a business living in a car...

Wandering Wraeclast: A gear guide to getting started in Path of Exile

So, you've picked your class in Path of Exile. And now you've started to play. Huzzah! Now you get to begin your story as...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about ‘gear peacocks’ in MMOs?

Every so often, usually when it comes to World of Warcraft, I hear what I've always thought of as the Peacock Defense for making raid...

Star Wars: The Old Republic is testing easier acquisition and upgrades for Masterwork gear

The designers on Star Wars: The Old Republic aren't totally happy with some quirks of the Masterwork gearing system at the moment. It's too...
Now make them reproduce.

OrbusVR adds in new pet breeding and gear combination

In the real world, walking up to someone and asking if you can put your dragons together will probably get you arrested. In OrbusVR,...
For obvious example...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a PvE game with full item decay?

One of the most insightful comments I ever saw about Darkfall (yes, Darkfall) was that, realistically, in a game with open PvP and full...
Leave your clothing on.

Revelation Online encourages you to strip… your gear of enhancements

It is possible that Revelation Online could have used a thesaurus for its latest feature, as "stripping your gear" produces a mental image that...
Clothe me.

Neverwinter reveals gear sets found in Tomb of Annihilation

When you dive into Chult for Neverwinter's next expansion, you're going to be facing new threats. And what goes well with new challenges? New...
This is not that lightsaber, but I care so little I'm not hunting down a picture.

Star Wars: The Old Republic explains the Bolster changes in Patch 5.1

Players who logged in to Star Wars: The Old Republic after patch 5.1 and jumped right into PvP probably noticed right away that their...
Ah yes, teamwork.

Star Wars: The Old Republic crafting is meant to gear up alts in Knights of the Eternal Throne

When Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne launches, we will all be very tired of typing out that lengthy title...
Stylish and functional.

DC Universe Online shows off the new gear of Episode 27

Gear is important, even in DC Universe Online. Sure, the idea of collecting stat upgrades with equipment doesn't exactly mesh with the fiction, but...

Revelation Online delivers the skinny on gear

If it's an MMO, it's going to have gear. And if there's gear, then it's going to have stats. And if there are stats,...
Gears of store.

Allods Online adjusts endgame gearing in patch 7.0.1

If you're big on endgame content in Allods Online, you probably have strong feelings about how you get geared up. You might be frustrated...
da da da da da da

Star Wars: The Old Republic will add weapon tunings outside of the cash shop

Cosmetic options are a very big part of Star Wars: The Old Republic, so adding a new cosmetic option to the game is going...

How MMORPG character gear is made in APB: Reloaded

APB: Reloaded has posted a new dev blog this week all about how character wearables are designed and inserted into the game. "The character and...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online explains gearing changes for the New Order update

The New Order hitting Allods Online is going to be changing how players acquire gear in a big way, and it's going to be...

The Daily Grind: Is an MMORPG still an MMORPG without gear progression?

A Massively OP commenter recently opined that "without gear progression, is a MOBA not an MMORPG," and I would really love to talk...