One Shots: The secret life of NPCs
What goes on with NPCs when you're not looking? Egocentric adventurers think that they're sitting around, sharpening blades, and preparing their spellbooks for encounters,...
Secret World Legends and Trove offer compensation to players for recent bungles
For those of us who weathered the early days of MMOs when downtime and rollbacks were a daily occurrence, the idea of compensation might...
The Stream Team: Taking long enough in Secret World Legends?
You know that look you get when you still haven't finished something you started? Yeah, Massively OP's MJ is getting that look about her...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 231: EverQuest and Secret World prognostications
Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, Pagan Online, EverQuest 3, Guild Wars 2, and Worlds Adrift, with adventures in WoW, SWG, and Villagers & Heroes, plus mailbag topics on The Secret World and MMO fashion.
The Soapbox: The counterproductiveness of limited-time content in online games
While thoroughly enjoying playing Astroneer's special event in honor of Apollo 11's moon landing 50th anniversary that's happening now through August 31st, I was...
Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG zones of all time
I once heard it said that a popular studio - I think it was Blizzard - made it a point of asking prospective developers...
NetEase is launching an R&D-focused studio in Montreal
The city of Montreal is clearly an intriguing location for Chinese online games company NetEase. The company has announced the launch of a new...
Not So Massively: Jumping into Grim Dawn in 2019
Now that I'm helming Not So Massively, I feel a stronger compulsion to delve into games like ARPGs and shooters so that I can...
Destiny 2 flies you to the moon locations of Shadowkeep and prepares to close a Tribute Hall exploit
What is it with fiction writers trying to put creepy stuff on the Moon? By all visual accounts, it's a serene, tranquil, and pretty...
MMO Cartographer: Riders of Icarus is a very tame MMORPG
I have a few vices, and one of them is a mild to moderate obsession with game pets and mounts. I am pretty sure...
Global Chat: Sucked into Shadowbringers
It's hard to deny the fact that this July, half of the online gaming population seems to be immersed into FFXIV's Shadowbringers expansion. And...
The Daily Grind: Do you still have any faith left in Secret World Legends?
We slip on from the second anniversary of Secret World Legends and the game sure as heck looks pretty abandoned from this side of...
Check out 12 minutes of Funcom’s Moons of Madness, set in the Secret World universe
Back in March, Funcom announced one of its (many!) next big things, Moons of Madness, a Rock Pocket Games-developed title due out for Halloween...
First impressions: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers is beautiful, horrifying, and a crowning achievement
It was clear to me how special Shadowbringers was going to be when I saw one of the most effectively horrifying scenes I've witnessed...
The Daily Grind: Would you pay a sub for complete access to all cosmetics in an MMO?
Last month on the MOP Podcast, we tackled a question from a reader named Aaron who was musing on whether modern MMOs could learn...
Chaos Theory: Secret World Legends celebrates its second birthday
It's a surprise party and you're invited! Secret World Legends has made it to its second birthday. This rebooted version of our favorite conspiracy...
The Stream Team: A Secret World Legends anniversary, take two
Happy birthday Secret World Legends! Today the conspiracy-laden horror remake turns two years old, and Massively OP's MJ is there to celebrate the occasion....
Funcom is throwing anniversary bashes for Anarchy Online and Secret World Legends
Funcom is gearing up for anniversary festivities in two of its MMOs.
First up: Anarchy Online is turning 18. Feel old yet? "Beginning June 18th...
One Shots: Deep diving
Can't say that I approve of the flagrant disregard for deep diving safety protocols that are on display in our spotlight picture from Final...
Battle Bards Episode 146: More vocals
In another theme sequel, the Battle Bards return to the notion of vocal tracks in MMORPGs. Does singing hold a special place in online...