internet spaceships


The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the messiest combat?

I don't like messes. They freak me out. The chaos, the uncertainty, it gets to me. And it's as true in real life as...

Massively Uplifting: Cake, coloring, and EVE Online’s PLEX4Good COVID-19 relief

The news this past month has been infected with the novel coronavirus. It's everywhere we turn, and we can't escape it even if we...

One Shots: A nose in a book

I love me a good library. When I was a kid, going to libraries and book stores were some of my favorite outings, so...

EVE Online crowns its Champion of Lowsec, posts Pulse video and charity campaign

Last week, EVE Online challenged player alliances and corps to blow up the most stuff possible in the Champions of Lowsec event and offered...

Star Citizen’s March monthly report outlines alpha 3.9 development progress

Alpha 3.9 is pretty much around the corner for Star Citizen, so reason would stand that the vast majority of March 2020's monthly report...
Ah yes, teamwork.

Massively Overthinking: How are MMO players faring through the pandemic?

This week's Overthinking is going to be a bit different from normal. As we've been covering extensively for more than the past two months,...
Big trucking.

Elite Dangerous fully reveals Fleet Carriers, launching in June

Elite Dangerous is finally getting closer to the fleet carriers content that was originally meant to launch last year, with the reveal of the...

The Stream Team: Celebrating First Contact Day in Star Trek Online and the Borg

Star Trek Online fans are very familiar with the celebration of First Contact Day, and Massively OP's MJ is ready to join the festivities....

EVE Online players to face massive invasion in the Eclipse quadrant

The EVE Online universe faced a terrifying invasion in 2019 as the Triglavian Collective began sending vast fleets from their homes in Abyssal Deadspace...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s Loyalty to Lowsec update shakes up Faction Warfare

Between the relative safe haven of EVE Online's high-security star systems and the lawless depths of nullsec where alliances play ping-pong with titans, there...

EVE Online details management of the sandbox ecosystem and explains the intention of resource distribution

The one constant in EVE Online is that things are always changing, but sometimes it's not always clear why things are changing. In a...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 265: Delusions of Elyria

Justin, Bree, MJ, and Mia discuss Chronicles of Elyria, Guild Wars 2, PSO2, Ashes of Creation, Saga of Lucimia, WoW Classic and Burning Crusade, with adventures in LOTRO, Revelation Online, Don't Starve Together, and City of Heroes, plus mailbag topics on player housing and optional sub servers.

Star Trek Online expands First Contact Day starting on April 2

It's just about time to celebrate humanity's first steps to the stars in Star Trek Online... or the fictional version of the same, more...

Star Citizen studio Cloud Imperium just picked up another $17.25M from investors

Looks like Star Citizen and Squadron 42 company Cloud Imperium just got a bit more rope, as its investor groups have bought up more...

EVE Online talks quality-of-life, a Clear Skies marathon, and reduced moon mining materials

EVE Online is once more bursting at the seams with new things to talk about, with a new episode of EVE Pulse online, a...

One Shots: Acrophobia immersion therapy

For those, like myself, who have a slight fear of heights, then boy does Star Citizen have the ship for you! It's the equivalent...

EVE Online details its Champions of Lowsec event and posts another monthly econ report

If the changes to lowsec in EVE Online aren't already enough to get you to fly to that section of space and blow up...

Star Citizen shows off a new weapon attachments UI and tours New Babbage

Inside Star Citizen is back once again with another look at features for alpha 3.9, this time providing a fly-through tour of the New...
Oh hi survey.

Champions Online surveys players, preps Serene Abyss, as Star Trek Online boosts mark acquisition

Would you like to take a survey? Champions Online would like you to take a survey. It's a survey about the future development of...
Never over.

Perfect Ten: The stages of the MMO life cycle

To this day, no one has a quote as useful on the subject of life and death as E. B. White: "We're born, we...