new game enhancements

The Daily Grind: Is there a mod for an MMO that you just can’t play without?

I've been back in Lord of the Rings Online a bunch lately, and as part of my return I went through and made sure...

SWG Restoration launches 1.0 version on Saturday with Mustafar and Jedi unlocks

Among the many (many!) player-run rogue servers for the long-defunct Star Wars Galaxies is Star Wars Galaxies Restoration III, a hybrid CU/NGE server that...

Working As Intended: MMOs that wish they were Star Wars Galaxies

"My friends and I would skin someone alive for an SWG 2," an old Star Wars Galaxies player recently wrote on Reddit, and that...

Crowfall’s Gordon Walton joins Raph Koster’s Playable Worlds MMO and platform

Raph Koster's Playable Worlds MMORPG has picked up two new executives today: Gordon Walton and Omar Abdelwahed. Walton will be immediately recognizable to modern MMO...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO grudges we just can’t let go

Back in April, MMO Fallout's Connor and I had a lil tweet convo about grudges. He was joking that there will be aged gamers...
Almost tangible. Again.

Massively Overthinking: If you could change one thing about an MMO…

Back in April, MOP's Colin posed us an interesting challenge on the MOP Podcast: change one thing about an MMO you don't like that...

Gravity is apparently cracking down on Ragnarok’s rogue server community

The Ragnarok Online rogue server community is in uproar this week as Ragnarok's Korean developer and publisher, Gravity Co., has filed at least one...
waugh? okay

Vague Patch Notes: The positives of MMORPG rogue servers

Here at MassivelyOP, we have a complicated relationship with rogue servers for MMOs. We have some pretty firm rules about when covering them is...

The Daily Grind: What’s the quickest way to derail an MMO expansion?

I think that if I polled veteran MMORPG players about expansions that bombed, they'd probably point to Star Wars Galaxies' Trials of Obi-Wan and...

Star Wars Galaxies’ Restoration III rogue server preps Mustafar and Death Star II

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration III, a hybrid CU/NGE rogue server that launched back in May 2021, gave a triumphant wrap-up of the previous year...

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v5.0

It has been another thrilling year of exploring the relatively unknown or forgotten lands of MMORPG history here in The Game Archaeologist. From projects...

Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends updates Smuggler slicing and weapon ‘freedom of skin’ system

Smugglers, if SWG Legends' last slicing update didn't do it for you, well then I'm not even sure why you're a Smuggler. But in...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPGs of all time, 2021 edition

Five years ago this week - back in 2016 - the MOP team and readers did an epic Massively Overthinking picking out their top...
Effing OOPS

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that would actually benefit from a Classic server

Here's the thing about having a classic server for a lot of MMORPGs: It doesn't actually do much. In order for a classic server...

Star Wars Galaxies Legends just restored language-learning and expanded smuggler slicing

I have grumped before about logging into an MMORPG and having a mechanic upended so thoroughly that it's cost me days or weeks of...

The Daily Grind: Do you *really* want MMOs to be constantly changing and evolving?

On Napyet's podcast last year, I talked about the differences between SWGemu and SWG Legends, both Star Wars Galaxies emulators with very different goals....

Jedi have arrived to Star Wars Galaxies’ Empire in Flames rogue server

We talk a lot about Star Wars Galaxies Legends and the SWGemu here on MOP, and we even covered the... let's call it tumultuous...
Oh boy.

Is there a long future in Star Wars Galaxies server emulation?

With high profile news updates like the trainwreck launch of the hybrid CU/NGE rogue server and the addition of Bespin to the Legends rogue...

The Star Wars Galaxies Restoration III hybrid CU/NGE rogue server launches tonight

We've been updating at the end of this post. The original article follows. It's a happy day for Star Wars fans in the MMO...

Which Star Wars Galaxies rogue server is for you? Here’s the best list we’ve seen

The MMORPG rogue server industry is booming lately, you might have noticed, particularly for much-loved MMOs that were sunset for dumb reasons in the...