playstation 4

The Division is gunning for a movie adaptation

Players sucked into the setting and narrative for The Division might be interested to know that Ubisoft is exploring the possibility of getting it made into...

Elder Scrolls Online permabans scores of cheaters

There are few things more aggravating in online games than to clearly see people use hacks to cheat their way into riches and power,...
I made you this. Use it.

The Elder Scrolls Online launches the Dark Brotherhood DLC today

Rejoice, players of The Elder Scrolls Online, for today you can join in an elite confederation of ducks! Whether you feel that you're a...

The Stream Team: Hippity hoppity HEX is on its way!

Today, death comes upon the soft furry paws of a cuddly bunny as MassivelyOP's MJ dives back into the PvP campaign in HEX on...
This was only the start.

Wisdom of Nym: Jobs we are unlikely to ever see in Final Fantasy XIV

We all have jobs that we want to see in Final Fantasy XIV. Some of them are pretty much definitively going to happen (I...

Elder Scrolls Online’s ‘personalities’ are a roleplayer’s dream

Roleplayers, today's Elder Scrolls Online blog post is going to make you super happy. ZeniMax is teasing a new feature called Personalities, the first...
A bit of a message disconnect.

The Crew boasts five million players

Would you believe that The Crew has five million players? Because apparently it has indeed just hit the five million mark, which is the...

Final Fantasy XIV unveils its trailer for patch 3.3

You've heard about everything that's coming with Final Fantasy XIV's next major patch. The Final Steps of Faith. The Weeping City of Mhach. Sohr...

Massively Overthinking: The stories inside MMORPGs

This week's topic comes to us from one of our dear Patrons, Roger. "I love stories, and some games tell great stories. MMOs have trouble...
It's coming down.

Final Fantasy XIV previews the Weeping City and the Final Steps of Faith

The story of Final Fantasy XIV's current expansion began on the Steps of Faith that lead into Ishgard, marking the start of a journey...

Aion’s Echoes of Eternity expansion bumps the level cap to 75

NCsoft announced this week that Aion's North American version is due to receive the 5.0 expansion, better known here as Echoes of Eternity. Here's...
Time after time after time etc.

Star Trek Online previews the missions of the 23rd century and its console UI

When Star Trek Online goes back in time to the era of the original series, players are going to have plenty of temporal antics...
Try your luck.

Final Fantasy XIV brings a new event to the Gold Saucer

Has your fervor for the Gold Saucer died down a bit? It's understandable if it has. That emporium of minigames and fantastic prizes hasn't...

The Elder Scrolls Online’s getting extra character slots and expanded crafting inventories

ZeniMax has a shortish dev piece out today running down the chief cash shop and sub changes coming when The Elder Scrolls Online's Dark Brotherhood...

The Division’s Conflict update and Clear Sky incursion are live

The Division's 1.2: Conflict update is live today, complete with the 4-man level 30 Clear Sky incursion, four new gear sets, new weapons, loot...

Tamriel Infinium vs. Hyperspace Beacon: Elder Scrolls Online and SWTOR as storytelling giants

I think it’s all but obvious that Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic are enriched with lore. The Star Wars universe,...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s lingering quality-of-life issues

The next big Final Fantasy XIV patch is bringing us flowerpots and new housing plots. These are both good things. The housing plot prices...
What is even happening now

Final Fantasy XIV’s live letter reveals more about patch 3.3

The next major patch for Final Fantasy XIV is arriving on June 7th, and just like other patches, it's bringing quite a lot of...

TennoCon 2016 brings Warframe players together this July

As we mention in the Massively OP offices from time to time, Warframe is one of those games that seems to be doing ridiculously...

Destiny poster leaks ‘Rise of Iron’ DLC

A photo of a promotional poster for Destiny popped up on Reddit last night, likely spoiling the name of the game's future DLC: Rise...