Wisdom of Nym: Preparing for Final Fantasy XIV’s early access
The long wait is almost over. Heavensward early access starts up on June 19th, and it comes with a lot of changes. Starting with,...
How Skyforge’s invasion system works
The world of Skyforge does not sound like a fun place to live. In addition to everything else that people have to deal with...
A guide to building and using your kingdom in Crowfall
Crowfall's individual campaign worlds are intended to be reset over time. That's by design; each world will flourish, then wither, then die. But the...
City of Titans demos its first costume and combat prototypes
It's been a little quiet on the City of Titans development front for a while, but when you see the game's most recent video, you'll understand...
Blasting through a hands-on with TERA’s new Gunner
Are you tempted by TERA's new Gunner? I am. Admittedly it's been a long while since I've frolicked in the land of Arborea, but my interest is...
Age of Conan developers working on panoramas and achievements
What is best in life? Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Stop mid-crush and realize that you're in a really pretty area....
How to unleash divine wrath in Skyforge
Sure, you get the idea that Skyforge is all about being a deity. But what does that mean? When do you get to unleash...
Life is Feudal video dashes hopes for player shops
There are going to be no shops in Life is Feudal when the MMO portion of the game goes live. This is even true...
Path of Exile adds Golems and Warcries in Awakening
Path of Exile's next major update, The Awakening, is introducing not one, not three, but two new types of skills to the game. There...
Previewing Path of Exile’s mind-blowing Act IV
If you thought Path of Exile's previous three content updates would be hard acts to follow, you clearly haven't heard enough about the upcoming...
Lost Continent: Looking ahead to ArcheAge’s Dread Prophecies patch
Did you miss the latest ArcheAge livestream featuring the Trion dev team? It was a biggun, and it contained quite a lot of information relative to the...
Skyforge’s beta is surprisingly satisfying
I can safely say that what I got when I first fired up Skyforge was not, in fact, what I had been hoping I...
First impressions of Skyforge beta, part two
In the first part of my Skyforge closed beta impressions, I took a look at the tutorial and character creation process. Suitably impressed albeit...
Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Revenant
It might be premature, but I'm pretty sure that the Revenant is my favorite profession in Guild Wars 2. And strangely, it's because it...
Behind the scenes of Armored Warfare
At first glance, Armored Warfare definitely looks like a World of Tanks clone. That's not by accident, either. A recent article highlights the genesis...
Check out a video tour of Guild Wars 2’s Revenant
Are you looking forward to the newest addition to Guild Wars 2's class lineup, the Revenant? Do you stay awake at night wishing that...
Diablo III previews the armor, powers, and rift improvements of patch 2.2
Diablo III's next major patch is a quality-of-life patch, meaning that it's not going to come with a huge influx of new content. If...
Skyforge’s guilds will offer stat bonuses, sub-guilds, and housing
From the sound of Skyforge's first dev diary on pantheons (guilds), it sounds as though joining a group of players will be a near-mandatory...
Take a peek at Skyforge character creation and a zone panorama
What sort of character are you going to make in Skyforge? A new user video shows off the character creator and classes from the...