
Never go on Reddit.

Astellia Online is launching on September 27 – here’s what to expect

 German website Mein MMO has a Gamescom interview up that seemingly announces the launch date for Astellia Online. "The release of the western version...
Super, good call.

Ashes of Creation drops new gameplay trailer after battle royale Steam test

Wading into the Ashes of Creation community is one of those things that makes me wish I had those beach sandals that keep the...

Last night’s WoW Classic AMA touched on moving into Burning Crusade and Wrath

One of the, ahem, burning questions regarding World of Warcraft Classic is what Blizzard plans to do with and for those players past the...

Apex Legends boss apologizes for Reddit dust-up, but there’ll be no auto-da-fé for the devs

It was just a matter of time before the apology came out - we all know how this script goes. Yesterday we covered the weekend...

Remember the No Man’s Sky player-funded billboard? It’s up now!

Back in June, we covered a heart-warming story out of the No Man's Sky community, as player sought to raise money on a GoFundMe...
Bless this hot mess.

EVE Online wraps up Aether Wars 2, plans week of GM-led events

This past weekend, EVE Online's second round of the Aether Wars tech demo took place as CCP and Hadean put the improved tech to...

Apex Legends devs and gamers clash over Iron Crown monetization

Wanna know how not to put out a dumpster fire? Pour some gasoline on it! That's the lesson we'd like to think was learned...
It feels faintly telling, yes.

World of Warcraft dataminers find character boosts and recruitment rewards as Classic prepares for an AMA

The latest mining for data in World of Warcraft offers some fascinating hints about the future, largely because of what the presence of certain...
My expectations weren't that I would be jumping into this right away, but...

The Soapbox: No, the MMO genre is not dead – but it could use a little positivity

One of my favorite idioms is "dead as a doornail." It always reminds me of the time I got sent out of my 10th...

Guild Wars 2 players raise eyebrows over new cash shop sword similar to one found in Gamigo MMO RIFT

Guild Wars 2 dropped a new cosmetic sword in the cash shop this week that's caused a ripple of fuss on the forums and...
Very mature.

WoW Classic’s PvP server community is already at war over streamers

Browsing the subreddit for World of Warcraft: Classic will pretty quickly reveal something about the community as it exists now. Specifically, a lot of...

No Man’s Sky promises updates to move Beyond bugs

With virtual reality and much larger multiplayer functionality than before, No Man's Sky Beyond should be the toast of the town right now. And...
but your acronym

Guild Wars 2 players organize a raiding tourney for August 24

Seeing player-run tourneys in Guild Wars 2 isn't exactly unusual, but this one is something a fair bit different. On August 24th, six guilds...
Just play along.

Guild Wars 2 tweaks skills and Fractals while adding in a 2v2 map

It's two teams of two facing off in the latest addition to Guild Wars 2 via patch: The latest update adds a 2v2 map...

Legends of Aria has seen a 3X increase in players since hitting Steam

We're seven days removed from the Steam early access launch of Legends of Aria, so let's take stock of where things stand, shall we? First...
Oh my.

Queues for WoW Classic’s name reservation are probably a good thing in spite of player rage, right?

So WoW Classic opened name reservations last night as promised. Currently subbed players were allowed to log in and grab three of their favorite...
Oh noes.

Star Trek Online players play with numbers to crack lockbox drop rates

While plenty of online games with lockboxes already have transparent lockboxes and far more are due to get them over the next year thanks...

One Hour One Life’s latest patches craft the sandbox on a ‘grander scale’

Remember indie sandbox MMO One Hour One Life? We covered it last year when it finally popped up on Steam. As pitched, it was...

Anthem just stealth-launched the massive Cataclysm update today

It's patch day for Anthem! What, you didn't see that coming? Nobody else did either. BioWare just stealth-launched Anthem 1.30 Cataclysm today without any...

Massively Uplifting: Good deeds by the Paladins, Warframe, and AdventureQuest 3D communities

Here we go again with the "games are evil" nonsense, right? We've had that agenda pushed in our faces before, and Massively Uplifting is...