runic games

Studio known for the Torchlight series.

Torchlight Infinite’s mobile beta starts this week

Are you ready to give the Torchlight series another shot? While the underwhelming rollout of Torchlight III may have soured people on this franchise, we...

PWE and Cryptic have been bought out by Gearbox’s Embracer Group

We keep joking that the week before Christmas is basically the Friday night of burying last-minute news, and it keeps on proving us right....

Torchlight Infinite, XD’s new singleplayer ARPG, just opened closed beta signups

MMO players are likely still smarting from the dramatic shift Torchlight Frontiers took - from an actual MMORPG into a stripped-down Torchlight III that...

PWE has put Torchlight, Torchlight II, and Torchlight III on sale for the franchise’s 12th birthday

It's hard for me to even look at the word Torchlight nowadays without thinking about all the lost potential of Torchlight III and Torchlight...

Perfect World hosts a Steam sale to benefit the Boys and Girls Clubs of America

If you like getting deals on games and helping charity at the same time (aka the Humble Bundle donation method), then you'll perhaps be...

Echtra washes its hands of Torchlight III as the Cursed Captain arrives

What was once a promising next generation of Torchlight in the MMORPG space ended up fizzling so hard that even its developer is getting...

Torchlight III’s spring update drops next week with a new class that summons ghost pirates

Magic Legends and Champions Online aren't the only PWE titles getting love this month: Torchlight III is destined for its spring update next week...

Torchlight III unveils the new Cursed Captain class arriving with the next update

Pirates and curses just go together like peanut butter and chocolate, so it's not necessarily a surprise that the Cursed Captain is a thing....

Torchlight III hoists the sails (and upgrades the engine) for its next update

Hope you got everything done with Torchlight III's Snow & Steam contract because Echtra and PWE disabled that content in preparation for the next...
Gosh, torchums.

Zynga bought up Torchlight III developer Echtra Games

Gaming powerhouse Zynga is best known for FarmVille, which made the company a household name a decade ago, though it had wild revenue swings...

Torchlight III spies a distant content release, works to bring Gamepass to PC

While the next big content update for Torchlight III is still "a few months" away from being deployed, Etchra Games released some hints and...

Not So Massively: Torchlight III is less than the sum of its parts

Last summer in this very column, I argued that ARPGs are the pizza of gaming: Even when they're bad, they're still pretty good. The Torchlight...

Torchlight III promises arrival to Game Pass on PC soon, teases an upcoming ‘classy’ update

Torchlight III has a few things to crow about in its latest developer update. For one thing, the game is talking up its recent...

Torchlight III is now available as part of the Xbox Game Pass library

One of the benefits of the Xbox Game Pass for me is that I get to dip my toes in the waters of games...
Theoretically there's a non-jerk version of this out there, but...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 304: League of MMORPGs

Justin and Bree discuss Riot's new MMO, RuneScape, Neverwinter, Crowfall, and Path of Exile, with adventures in Warhammer Online, World of Warcraft, Torchlight II, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on losing hype and legal complexity in MMOs.

Torchlight III is coming to Xbox Game Pass next week

After a not-quite-so-spectacular launch season for Torchlight III, the team at Echtra Games is hoping that it can bolster the online ARPG going into...

Massively OP’s 2020 Awards: Most Anticipated MMO

MassivelyOP’s end-of-the-year awards for 2020 continue today with our award for Most Anticipated MMO, which was awarded to Book of Travels and Torchlight Frontiers...

PSA: The Steam Winter Sale is now live, complete with steep MMO discounts

You probably already learned this from finding that dozens of games on your wishlist were on sale, but the Steam Winter Sale is live...

Torchlight III takes a moment to share some data-related bug stories from development

"This blog is for those who enjoy a good technical read and want a closer look at some of our internal development ‘war stories’,"...

Not So Massively: Looking back at 2020 and ahead to 2021 in the realm of not-so-massively games

So another year comes, and the last one's gone, and we dig deep just to carry on. Musical allusions notwithstanding, I thought it might...