
SWTOR shakes up crafting and instant-60 gear for Update 4.1

We anticipate some very mixed emotions from the announced changes to gear and crafting in the next big update for Star Wars: The Old...
Go bold.

Star Trek Online details the benefits of the anniversary Krenim Science Vessel

The sixth anniversary of Star Trek Online is nearly upon players, complete with all of the requisite celebration events. That means plenty of little...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 48: Blade & Soul runner

Justin and Bree discuss Blade & Soul, Black Desert, Hero's Song, City of Steam, NCsoft, Diablo III, and FFXIV, with a mailbag question on global chat jerks.
Practice makes something!

EVE Online event encourages players to help construct the first Citadel stations

Even in games set far in the future, people still think about living in the World of Tomorrow. EVE Online players are already experiencing...

Otherland opens the doors to Water Isle, goes on sale

Hey everyone -- Otherland would like a minute of your time. It's raising its hand for you to call on it because it has...

WildStar offers players a weekend of doubled Prestige

Do you like to PvP in WildStar? Would you especially like having even more rewards than you normally get from said PvP? Because this...
I mean, it worked okay.

Destiny is deploying a new PvP matchmaking setting on Wednesday

Losing a PvP match because you weren't skilled enough or geared enough to beat your opponent is unpleasant on its own. Losing a PvP...

Chris Roberts talks Star Citizen two-step verification, griefing, and Star Marine’s status

Star Citizen's Chris Roberts is taking a break from signing swag for PAX South to answer another batch of 10 questions from the community....

Firefall’s Razor’s Edge is finally mostly functional

The Firefall migration drama is finally over. The servers went down for their planned one-day outage on January 19th for the massive Razor's Edge update,...
Let's hunt some people.

How Star Wars: The Old Republic won me over with its endgame

I walked away from last week's Star Wars: The Old Republic livestream pretty happy. Considering that I repeatedly say how much I absolutely loathe...
So, how about those balance issues?

Bungie denies Destiny ammo pack microtrans rumors

Bungie has denied rumors that it was planning a fresh round of microtransactions for console MMO Destiny. VG247 posted this morning that it had a...

The Repopulation remains skeptical about HeroEngine’s latest announcement

HeroEngine owner Idea Fabrik announced yesterday that it has made "several positive adjustments" in regard to its ongoing financial situation - namely, "reducing server...

Alleged WildStar ex-devs gripe about Carbine

A series of quotes on WildStar's subreddit this past weekend has caused quite a stir in that game's community, as alleged former Carbine developers have...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO customer experience you’ve ever had?

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, before I worked for Massively, I called up SOE. I wanted to move my Star Wars...

EVE Evolved: Should CCP start developing Walking in Stations again?

In all the time that I've been writing about EVE Online, one of the most common recurring comments is that the game badly needs...
science, together, fun

EVE Online enlists community aid in real-world scientific research

EVE Online is warping into a sector where hobbies and scientific research intersect. CCP Games announced that it's partnering up with The Human Protein...

Get your time travel on with Dark Era

While time travel has certainly been done as part of MMO quests, could an entire game revolve around the sci-fi concept? Dark Era, a...

The Stream team: A Saturday stomp in MechWarrior Online (plus giveaway)

What to do when a snowy storm rages on out in the real world? How about rage a little yourself inside MechWarrior Online where...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on ‘Star Engine,’ new hires, and Port Olisar design

The latest of installment of Star Citizen's Around the Verse has arrived and sees the return of Ben Lesnick to the show. Lesnick and...
That's going to take an engineer to fix, ironically.

Elite: Dangerous is not abandoning the Oculus Rift

In response to a Eurogamer article that seemingly suggested Elite: Dangerous was dropping support for the Oculus Rift headset in favor of SteamVR, Frontier...