

Swords ‘n Magic and Stuff brings a holiday event and companion pet improvements on December 22

The colorful world of multiplayer RPG Swords 'n Magic and Stuff is preparing to celebrate the holidays in a couple of weeks' time. Specifically,...

Astroneer hits the Nintendo Switch on January 13 – here’s the new trailer!

Multiplayer sci-fi sandbox Astroneer has been teasing a Switch launch for a while now, and as of today, we have a hard date: January...

Whatever happened to woodpunk survival MMO Last Oasis?

Welcome to another edition of "Whatever happened to," a series where we touch base with games that have gone silent or dropped off our...

ArcheAge players call out for a classic edition, but Kakao is noncomittal

With the change of ownership and relaunch of ArcheAge, some players are hoping that they might see a return to a simpler -- and...

The MOP Up: Ultima Online plays Santa and hands out gifts

Ultima Online is really into gift giving this season, so head in and get yours before they're all gobbled up: "We wish to offer...
Tales of loss, and fire, and faith.

Final Fantasy XIV breaks Steam concurrency record, offers free sub time as queue compensation

If it isn't already obvious, Final Fantasy XIV has a lot of people trying to play the new Endwalker expansion, which opened up to...

Mad World dates its next alpha test for December 20

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, except for in the universe of Mad World, where things are generally looking bleak due to...

Mortal Online 2 now lets players build houses, claim keeps, and grow fresh beards in latest update

What is best in life in Mortal Online 2? Is it crushing enemies? Is it seeing them flee? No, it's owning a nice house...

Titanfall enters maintenance mode as it’s removed from digital storefronts

For those who were curious about trying out Titanfall, the online FPS from Respawn Entertainment, we've got some particularly unfortunate news. The studio has...

Tabletop-esque MMO World Seed is Kickstarting a 2.0 version

Earlier this year, we checked in on World Seed, a relatively new cross-platform MMO with a tabletop theme created by a lone Swedish designer,...

Aliens Fireteam Elite gets a point defense mode, lifetime stats, and Game Pass release December 14

The next season of Aliens: Fireteam Elite is heading in soon (regardless of its low player numbers) on Friday, December 14th, and it's bringing...

End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO surprises of 2021

Why do I love covering MMORPG news year in and year out? If I'm honest about it, I'm usually in this for the surprises....

Kakao’s ArcheAge AMA suggests revamps of crime and trade systems, monitoring for ‘nefarious gameplay’

Yesterday, Kakao ran an AMA on the MMORPG subreddit to address player "confusion" over its impending stewardship of ArcheAge here in the west following...

Fall Guys’ sixth season brings a big colorful Party Spectacular today

It's time to party! And by "party" Fall Guys means "dress up in very festive carnival wear and get slapped around by new obstacles."...

Bless Unleashed PC adds a Potential system, a dimensional dungeon, and new equipment in latest patch

The word "potential" is capitalized in that headline for a reason, since Bless Unleashed on PC has added what is being called a Potential...

Gamigo just abruptly sunsetted its brand-new MOBA Skydome

If you're currently wondering what Skydome is, well, that was part of the problem. Skydome was a multiplayer 4v4 MOBA hybrid from Brazil's Kinship...

Secret World Legends players report worrisome login issues – Funcom’s on the case

Players are waking up to find one Secret World Legends mystery that not even they can solve: issues connecting to the game server itself....

Whatever happened to wizarding survival sandbox Citadel Forged with Fire?

Since we're in the habit of flipping through the MMO and multiplayer game backlog, we've decided to look back in the direction of Citadel:...

Wild Terra 2’s latest update lets players bring plague to the main continent and earn faster skill XP through books

Either the devs of Wild Terra 2 are not reading the global room or they're very keen on expanding the feature set of its...

Dragon-riding arena PvP game Century Age of Ashes launches December 2, eyes console and mobile in 2022

It's been quite some time since we checked in on Century: Age of Ashes, Playwing's multiplayer arena dogfighting game in which players take to...