
DC Universe Online: Halls of Power II and the end of DLC

If you are not a subscriber to DC Universe Online, you're still sitting back on the sidelines anticipating the release of Halls of Power Part...

Tamriel Infinium: A guide to Elder Scrolls Online’s combat basics

I was looking back through some of my posts about the Elder Scrolls Online, and I noticed that I've mentioned combat quite a bit....
Oh, yeah, we sort of see it now.

Did you know Diablo III was once planned as an MMO?

It's indisputable that World of Warcraft took a lot of nods from online Diablo II when it first launched. Sometimes, it almost seems as...
Infinite Crisis

Infinite Crisis ranked play is available this weekend

Looking for more of a challenge in Infinite Crisis? If so, you can queue up for some ranked matches since Turbine has enabled them...

Daybreak’s John Smedley: EverQuest Next isn’t ‘vaporware’

Even though the big SOE-to-Daybreak transformation happened three months ago, the entire ordeal still feels fresh to many fans. An air of uncertainty permeates speculation...

Try out all of the six Avengers in Marvel Heroes for free this month

If you just saw The Avengers: Age of Ultron and got pumped up over superheroes, then you would do well to take that energy...
GTA Online

The Daily Grind: How many MMOs are on your hard drive?

I got a new gaming computer last week, and I'm in the process of downloading a few MMOs. I've only got 300 GB to work with,...

Marvel Heroes adds achievements and Vision

Life is moving ever-faster for Marvel Heroes. Not only is the game currently in the grips of the movie tie-in Avengers Assemble event, but...

City of Titans demos its first costume and combat prototypes

It's been a little quiet on the City of Titans development front for a while, but when you see the game's most recent video, you'll understand...
Infinite Crisis

Ranked play is coming to Infinite Crisis on May 8

Think you're good at Infinite Crisis? You'll have a chance to prove it on May 8th when Turbine unveils ranked play for its DC...

Working As Intended: Ten lessons I learned from classic Guild Wars

Guild Wars -- the first Guild Wars -- celebrates its 10th birthday this week alongside several of my characters who are equally old. I originally...

The Soapbox: Making your own fun in MMORPGs

This guest Soapbox was commissioned through Massively Overpowered's Kickstarter campaign and is authored by Chris "Warcabbit" Hare, a developer at Missing Worlds Media. The opinions here...

DCUO’s stat flattening is not the end of the world

One upcoming change to DC Universe Online has some players concerned, although it may not be as bad as feared. Daybreak announced that it...

Marvel Heroes throws Avengers Assemble event

If you're a superhero fan, there's a slight -- slight -- chance that you've heard of this Avengers: Age of Ultron movie that's coming...
This was a thing.

Daybreak launches new site, triggers week of celebratory events

Daybreak Game Company now has a new home and logo to make its transition from Sony Online Entertainment complete. "We are so proud of our...

Matt Miller announces City of Heroes Loregasm 2015

Is there something about City of Heroes -- lore-related, mind you -- that you've always wanted to know? What was the deal with the...
Boring space dad yay.

Check out Marvel Heroes’ Age of Ultron content with Vision

It'd be a really weird day if Marvel Heroes weren't paying attention to the next big Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to come out, especially...
My life is not fun.

Perfect Ten: The 10 things every MMO’s official site should have

Are you ready to have you mind absolutely blown open? Because I have an astonishing truth to lay at your feet: While doing this...

Infinite Crisis has basically made me a MOBA fan

It's 1989. My buddy and I are in a comic store and raising our eyebrows at this odd little one-shot called Gotham by Gaslight....
Lament the loss of tax money while proving you didn't really need that money.

Marvel Heroes puts heroes and costumes on sale for tax season

Wednesday was tax day for people in the United States, a day usually accompanied by a great deal of eye-rolling and tooth-gnashing and money...