Trion offers compensation to ArcheAge and Rift players for server outages
Good news for players of ArcheAge and RIFT: You're getting some free stuff as an apology for the unstable servers that both games have...
The best Thanksgiving and Black Friday MMORPG deals
Getcher credit cards ready, folks. It's time.
(New additions are at the bottom!)
The Secret World is part of the Humble Bundle this week; you can...
Elite Dangerous players accuse Frontier of ignoring combat exploit
If you thought that your politically divided family dinner table will be the most awkward situation this Thanksgiving week, then you need to haul...
Turkey tomfoolery targets World of Warcraft
Turkeys really are one of the noblest and most majestic birds of the world, and it is their bold sacrifice to our taste buds...
Log into Marvel Heroes on Black Friday, get Black Cat for free
Marvel Heroes has purrrrrfect plans for Thanksgiving and Black Friday: Gazillion announced this morning that it's giving away Black Cat to players who log...
Eternal Crusade’s Tactical Escalation update is live
Like a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings, Eternal Crusade's first major content update is meaty and chock full of goodies.There's plenty to sink...
Pokemon Go preps holiday bonus event, lays groundwork for Ditto
"What better way to say thank you than to celebrate our community?" That's the question Pokemon Go's Niantic is asking this Thanksgiving week. And...
Wisdom of Nym: Thankfulness for Final Fantasy XIV
I haven't exactly made a secret of the fact that I'm on a bit of a low pulse for Final Fantasy XIV at the...
First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s A Crack in the Ice episode
ArenaNet gave us all word of a seasonably frosty addition to the Guild Wars 2 Living World story last week: The third instalment of season...
Elder Scrolls Online offers Xbox One free-play through Thanksgiving weekend
Did you miss The Elder Scrolls Online's PC/PS4 free-play event last weekend? Great news: There's another one this weekend -- but only on Xbox One...
The MOP Up: Wurm Online cooks up a hearty Thanksgiving meal (November 20, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Wanna play Cloud Pirates over Thanksgiving? There’s a key for that
If you've been thinking that flying your dirigible around and blowing up the enemy might sound like a fun way to spend Thanksgiving, Cloud...
Shroud of the Avatar tackles combat and crafting in today’s 36th update
Shroud of the Avatar's Release 36 lands today, a little bit early because of next week's major holiday, Black Friday, which is preceded by...
Riders of Icarus celebrates Thanksgiving with events and a pet farm
An overabundance of food is a hallmark sign of Thanksgiving, but what about an overabundance of events? MMOs have not traditionally held many Turkey...
A freakishly large turkey has invaded Black Desert
Today's Black Desert patch is surprisingly meaty, and we're not just talking about turkeys (though we're talking about them too). Yes, the update includes...
Defiance plans for the New Frontier Harvest event
Every other MMO with a Thanksgiving event can pack it in because Defiance has clearly won the arms race. Literally, in fact: The game...
Guild Wars 2’s next episode, A Crack in the Ice, drops November 21
Guild Wars 2 has just released the first trailer for A Crack in The Ice, the third episode of the third season of living...
Tree of Savior plans Thanksgiving events, explains trade restrictions
Cutesy anime sandbox Tree of Savior isn't gonna be one of those MMORPGs that lets Thanksgiving slide, oh no. IMCGames says the game's Harvest...
ARK’s Thanksgiving update includes emotes, new caves, and breeding phase 3
When ARK: Survival Evolved has a major update, it's a safe bet that new dinosaurs will be involved, and v251 is no different. The...
PSA: Today is the last day to get a free month of Dark Age of Camelot
If you are a former Dark Age of Camelot player and have been away from the game for more than two months, then you...