
Realm of the Mad God’s remastered Unity edition, Exalt, is now in open beta

Realm of the Mad God is one of those MMOs that are hard to quantify, being part retro-pixel shooter and part permadeath MMO in...

RuneScape adjusts the Shattered Worlds (with help from the Ninjas), Jagex gives over $125k to charity

Normally, I don't think many are in the habit of thanking ninjas for what they do, but in the case of RuneScape's Ninja Team,...

Wurm Online proudly shows off its fancy new UI

After lots of iterations and adjustments (and likely more before the final result goes live), Wurm Online is ready to show off its new...

Book of Travels previews its paper- and card-inspired user interface

One of the selling points of Book of Travels that originally caught my eye way back before its successful Kickstarter last year was its...

Not So Massively: Comparing online ARPGs, from Wolcen and Diablo to Grim Dawn and Path of Exile

A while back in the Not So Massively column, I did a piece comparing the pros and cons of some of the biggest names...
Friends now.

World of Warcraft updates its quest icons, director Ion Hazzikostas talks big changes

The floating "!" has become such an iconic part of World of Warcraft's interface that it's hard to imagine it ever going away... and...

Massively Overthinking: What generates trust in MMO crowdfunding for you?

Last week, an anonymous game developer posted on the MMORPG Reddit about the broader MMO playerbase's frustrations with crowdfunding. See, this dev says he's...

Fallout 76 drops new trailer ahead of April 14 Wastelanders launch

No more delays for Fallout 76: Bethsoft confirmed again today that the freebie Wastelanders expansion is indeed launching for PC, PS4, and Xbox One...
Sexy, kinda.

Pantheon’s unique monster races are absolutely horrifying – in the best way

February and March have been pretty busy months for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. Don't believe us? Then just take a peek at the...

RaiderZ reboot shows off progress on basic attack improvements and the skill socket system

Developer Masangsoft has posted a new progress update video for its reboot of RaiderZ, showing off some new updates in terms of improved basic...

Star Citizen’s Pillar Talk discusses friends list features and better persistence in alpha 3.9

The next alpha update for Star Citizen has its fair share of big-ticket items -- the New Babbage area, the prison, new missions, new...

Choose My Adventure: The weird world of Heroes Online in Roblox

I had a feeling this whole month of write-ups would go weirdly, and sure enough, it did. It was only until after I got...

World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands closed alpha is finally beginning this week

Earlier today, we noted fresh changes in World of Warcraft's launcher that indicated Shadowlands' testing was imminent, and this afternoon, Blizzard has confirmed it. "Later...

Ultima Online’s next update will feature an overhaul to its quest system

With Publish 108 out the door, it's time for Ultima Online to look forward to Publish 109, which will feature an overhaul to the...

Torchlight III gives defense and shields a buff in the latest mainline patch

Another day, another mainline patch update for Torchlight III. Not only does this one feature patch notes that appear to have been written by...

Wizard 101 announces the arrival of a test realm and new pet features that will be up for testing

The arrival of a test realm very often seems to be a development that's met with a lot of praise from players, so fans...

EverQuesting: Looking back at EverQuest’s 21st year

There are landmark years, and then there are landmark years. (Not to be confused with Landmark, which has been gone for years.) You can...
Here I am, stuck in the middle with whatever this is.

TERA plans a month of events, including Manglemire, to celebrate its second anniversary on console

The month of April will apparently be one of celebration for TERA on console as the MMORPG will be marking its second anniversary. Players...

Star Citizen shows off a new weapon attachments UI and tours New Babbage

Inside Star Citizen is back once again with another look at features for alpha 3.9, this time providing a fly-through tour of the New...

Choose My Adventure: In which Albion Online decides to beat me up

OK, Albion Online. I get it. You're a tough guy. You see a soft, doughy person like me and decide to lull me into...