The Elder Scrolls Online just launched on consoles yesterday, but the game has been riddled with controversy since its PC launch last year, so it makes for a great topic for debate.
In this week’s Massively Opinionated, our host Larry Everett invited three gentlemen from the TESO Nation Podcast to argue the worthiness of the console release of the game — and whether gamers should actually buy it. We welcome Troy Blackburn, Andrew Desmond, and Lee Enke to discuss the hot topics of ESO.
“Which is the best feature in ESO that separates it from other MMOS?” (4:15)
“If two Daedric Princes declared war on each other, which would make the most interesting story?” (23:18)
“Is the ESO console release worth it?” (47:43)
“Name one key feature from the Elder Scrolls franchise that needs to be added to ESO.” (1:06:32)
Larry Everett
Twitter: Shaddoe
Blog: Hyperspace Beacon
Troy Blackburn
Twitter: NoobFridge
Site: Gamebreaker
Twitch: NoobFridge
Andrew Desmond
Twitter: MrIxtyr
Site: Gamebreaker Nation
Twitch: TESONation
Lee Enke
Twitter: LumiTheLock
Twitch: LumiTheLock