Elite: Dangerous has held its first dedicated convention and is already racing ahead to its next major update. “We’re looking at weeks, rather than months as has been speculated,” Frontier says. The central focus of patch 1.4 — close-quarter combat — was discussed at E3, but the development team this weekend debated a few further inclusions beyond that central feature set that should be of interest to dedicated players. For example, the update will bring new ships along with it for those of you tired of flying the same old thing through the galaxy.
Discussion was also had regarding allowing minor player-controlled factions to become bigger players in the game’s environment along the lines of the existing NPC factions. Anaconda pilots will be happy to know that the ship’s power plant will be slightly more difficult to destroy now, following feedback that it’s just too easy to disable the ship with a solid shot. More details are set to be released soon, but fans have already had their appetites whetted.