The season is nearly upon us, by which we of course mean the next season of Diablo III. The holiday season is already upon us, you should have finished buying gifts by now. Season 5 of Diablo III is arriving on January 15th, 2016, and a new preview covers the additions to the game with the patch and how seasonal gameplay will be changing, starting with the complete removal of seasonal legendaries. Players will be able to receive special gifts along the path of the seasonal journey, but all players will have access to the new legendaries in 2.4.0 regardless of seasonal progress.
New conquests and season-exclusive cosmetics will be added in season 5, along with the option to reboot your existing characters into seasonal ones via the Season Rebirth option. For those curious about how much time you’ll have to work on your season goals, the preview notes that seasons from here on out should last roughly three months. New tools to ensure that you’re ready to go from the start, new content, and a new way of earning rewards should all make this a fun season to anticipate at the start of the new year.