Earlier this year, the team behind The Repopulation faced down its HeroEngine difficulties with an ambitious plan to port the entire sandbox MMORPG to a new engine and publish a survival game based on the same assets to tide MMO fans over in the meantime. Today, Above & Beyond has posted a run-down of its latest work on that survival game, titled Fragmented.
Studio co-owner and lead dev Joshua Halls writes, “We wrapped up many items on our checklist, to get the game available for Early Access release. This included improvements across the board, continuing to flesh out the core systems, and introducing some familiar art from The Repopulation, as well as new art made specially for Fragmented.”
He further says that most Repopulation backers who asked to test Fragmented are now in, that the NDA on the spin-off game will lift “soon,” and that the game should hit Steam early access before the end of April.
Over 10,000 words’ worth of patch notes from March, representing 12 individual patches, follow the dev address. Among the highlights are swimming improvements, audio and UI tweaks, graphical improvements and additions, housing code, and bug fixes out the wazoo.