According to online research, “runeshaper” is not an actual recognized word. According to a leading professor at a New England liberal arts college, “runeshaper” means “get out of my office, who let you in here.” And according to RIFT, “runeshaper” means a ranged damage soul for the Cleric that’s coming with patch 3.6. Definitions are fun! Although it’s not terribly enlightening as to how shaping runes will deal ranged damage; perhaps you shape them into arrows.
Most joking aside, the Runeshaper is something of a hybrid DPS and support soul; the core of its damage rotation is applying seals to enemies which interact with other abilities to result in more overall damage. The soul can drop area effects like the Greater Rune of Mobility, slowing enemies who pass through the area while speeding up allies. Check out the preview if you’d like a spot of fiction all about runes and the shaping thereof.
Trion Worlds confirmed last night via Twitter that the Ascended Soul Pack will include five souls — Maelstrom, Frostkeeper, Runeshaper, Shadowborne and Warchanter — and run $34.99 US.