Hands up: Who wants to play a Rogue when Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen launches? You might be tempted after reading this class’ reveal. The Pantheon Rogue is a lot of what you expect, with dual wielding and trap disabling. But there’s also a new twist to the class in the Rogue’s ability to brew alchemy mixtures to throw at enemies.
“The Rogue calls upon a multitude of skills, such as trapfinding, disabling traps, and opening locks,” Visionary Realms says in a new post on the official site. “They can also strike an opponent when they least expect it with deadly precision, oft times with a poison coated blade. Some Rogues are driven to experimentation with crafting their own devices and alchemical concoctions to distract, damage, and escape their foes.”
Pantheon also posted a few new screenshots that show off enemy models for the first time, including orcs and a grumpy Grim Reaper.