There are few things more aggravating than to see an awesome race in your MMO — and then being told that you can’t play it, that it’s for NPCs alone. Sure, devs can’t make every race in these games playable (or can they?), but it seems as though studios are occasionally blind to the sheer popularity of some of them.
Me? I’d totally play a Murloc Hunter in World of Warcraft, or a Jawa Jedi in SWTOR, or one of those big polar bear dudes in Guild Wars 2. No, I know they have some sort of made-up official name, but I like calling them “big polar bear dudes.” I want to walk on the exotic side, darn it, not play humans, blue humans, or blue humans with pointy ears.
What race are you dying to play in your MMORPG? Let’s see if we can get a groundswell of support going for it in the comments section!