The current lack of siege warfare in Black Desert Online is good news for people who don’t like having random jerks besieging their structures and bad news for random jerks who like to besiege structures. The current plan is for the balance of power to shift soon, however, with the siege warfare systems hitting the live game on June 15th. It’s all part of the overall node and conquest war system, which is explained in depth in a new siege manual available for players on the official site.
At its core, the system is fairly straightforward, with players finding unoccupied nodes of interest, building forts and defensive structures, then defending those forts from incoming players. Battles run in various forms all week, but there’s a three-hour window between 8:00 p.m. EDT to 11:00 p.m. EDT when active warfare can take place. Check out the full manual for all of the details you could want; it’s going to be very relevant in a little less than a week.