DC Universe Online recaps the first two parts of Amazon Fury

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It’s almost time for DC Universe Online to finish up its Amazon Fury storyline, but do you even remember where the storyline was going? It’s all right if you don’t. No one will think less of you for it. Heck, the developers won’t even think less of you for it; they’ve put together a specific recap for everyone who needs a refresher on what the first two parts of the storyline covered.

If you want an even briefer recap, Wonder Woman’s mother led an attack force against mortal humans due to mind control from Ares and Hades, making for an Amazon civil war that then led to a deific war and now leaves players scrambling to stop Circe and Ares from dethroning Zeus himself. In short, it’s a lot of antics. Check out the recap, and also check out the trailers for the first two story installments to get back up to speed in a visual format.

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