When the lights go down, the party animals come out, dancing to their dark gods and eating all of the really good snacks before I even get there. What is this, off-brand ginger ale? It’s Canada Dry or I am out of here, and you can just sacrifice whatever to whomever without me!
Hikari took this really striking picture from Conan Exiles: “Dark isn’t usually my thing (with a name like Hikari, did you think it would be?), but sometimes… Praise Set, Praise Yog!”
If Yog had a pet, would that be a Yog dog?
“This screenshot is from a RIFT quest called The Center of Oblivion which leads you into
a nightmare version of Port Scion and you meet up with the lovely Regulos,” sent in BalsBigBrother. “He kindly posed for a selfie with me before beating the snot out of me for the next hour and a half. This is by far the hardest fight I have done while questing through the story. It didn’t help that I was DC’ed a couple of times, one of which was while the boss was at 3% health just to really ramp up the frustration factor. I did have to step away at that point, make myself a cup of tea and then go back at it. The power of tea must have been too much for Regulos as I beat him shortly after that and I might have cheered quite loudly at that point.”
Way to go! [Achievement received: Snot Beater]
Rees Racer got sucked back in to Neverwinter thanks to a Twitch Prime promotion: “I’ve had a very nice week levelling my Trickster Rogue. It’s a lovely visceral experience in contrast to the ranged magic-based classes. I’ve now found myself in the Pirate’s Skyhold, which is home to a floating swamp at Mire’s Edge. One thing to be admired (but rarely mentioned) is the practical armour for each class, and its appearance. It is completely appropriate, and I can appreciate that. My companion War Dog doesn’t seem to mind the swamp at all, either.”
“After a number of weeks of not having any screenshots to offer here on The Justin Show, I’ve finally got some pics which might entertain,” said Mysecretid.
About time! I’ve been waiting weeks for this! This had better be something really amazing, because if I get one more butterfly picture…
“No Man’s Sky Lead Developer Sean Murray has said that he and Hello Games received death threats because alien butterflies shown in the promo materials did not appear in the game at launch (!!!). The alien butterflies exist now, crazy people. Here’s one example.”
I love this mysterious and Dutch angle shot from Black Desert, courtesy of Toy Clown.
“This particular dark and gloomy road outside of Glish was one my character contemplated if she should travel down,” he said.
Well. Never going to know if the new Arby’s opened or not unless you go down there, man.
What are your friends up to in MMOs these days? Share a picture of your buddies or guildies in whatever state of weirdness they happen to be expressing as this week’s screenshot challenge!