This Tuesday, October 16th, Destiny 2 will be getting in on the seasonal celebrations as it rolls out its Halloween event, Festival of the Lost. This year’s Festival is a particularly poignant one, as well, as it’s the first time the festival has been held since the fall of the City to the Red Legion and, more recently, the death of Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6. Even the festival’s usual host, Eva Levante, is among those lost since the Red Legion’s attack, so this year, Amanda Holliday will be in charge of this event commemorating Destiny 2’s fallen.
And what better way to honor the fallen than large-scale murder? While the festival runs, players will be able to journey into the Haunted Forest, where they’ll have 15 minutes to shoot their way through an increasingly difficult infestation of “ghouls and demons,” which probably means Hive, Taken, and the like. In addition, Holliday will provide players with bounties that award Fragmented Souls, which can be used to buy special Festival of the Lost cosmetic masks as well as the exclusive legendary Assault Rifle, Horror Story.
On top of that, this Tuesday also sees the return of the Iron banner, and this time around, Lord Shaxx’s bounties have been tweaked to be a little less intensive and to provide Powerful Gear as rewards. Also effective on October 16th, the purchase of the base Destiny 2 game will also come with the Curse of Osiris and Warmind expansions, meaning new players will need to buy only the Forsaken expansion to get up-to-date. For those who have been there from the start — or at least those who played Forsaken before October 16th — Bungie is providing the Veterans of the Hunt bundle, which includes a unique emblem and shader as well as a bundle of consumables and two exotic emotes.