So. Today’s the first day of BlizzCon. Normally, we take the opportunity to ask our community about their expectations and predictions for BlizzCon. But, uh. At this point, do you have any? Because… my expectations couldn’t be lower. Blizzard hyped Diablo then basically said to not expect any big game announcements. Then it told everyone not to expect a new Overwatch map reveal as in past cons. Hearthstone lost some of its key designers this year, so my hopes aren’t up there. The WoW Classic demo leaks took most of the fun out of that. And earlier this week, Blizzard set about lowering expectations for modern World of Warcraft fans while simultaneously reassuring panicked fans that there will be something.
I am not the only person wondering this. “Part of me wonders if Blizzard did too good a job damping down the Diablo hype, to the point where nobody is expecting anything from this convention.” Blizzard Watch’s Matt Rossi wrote yesterday, basically making the point that it’s ridiculous that “Blizzard actually needed to write a post saying we are in fact going to talk about the world’s biggest MMO at the convention that exists because of said MMO.” And it is.
Do you even have any expectations left for BlizzCon? If so, what are they?