It’s the day before the second Final Fantasy XIV fan festival ahead of Shadowbringers, which means that the community is hard at work. Is the hard work theorizing, datamining, or speculating? No, it’s the hard work of assembling the unofficial FFXIV daddy tier list. Now when someone in the game asks “who’s your daddy” you can actually respond with “Raubahn is my daddy and he’s a God-tier daddy.”
Well, we suppose you could have responded that way before. But now you’ve got a chart.
Of course, the chart is going to be largely impenetrable to non-FFXIV fans, as is the large and sprawling thread arguing things like whether or not Sadu of the Dotharl should join Merlwyb as being the two women showing up in the daddy tier list, or whether Alphinaud is too young to be a daddy at all. Still, there is no finer resource for figuring out which version of the cinematic derplander is the best daddy. Or any other resource for that, actually.
Meanwhile, the fan festival is starting tomorrow, and this author will probably be liveblogging it. There will possibly be more daddies on display.
Source: Reddit