Minipets: Either you love ’em and collect ’em like crazy, or you don’t care for ’em and resent that I’ve been shortening “them” for this entire sentence. Count me as a pet person, because more often than not you’ll see one trailing after me as I run through an MMO. They’re fun to have out for virtual companionship and also as a way to show some measure of individual customization.
Your minipet probably says a lot about you, but I’ll leave the amateur psychology up to others. Instead, today let’s talk about our favorite vanity pets in MMORPGs! I’m really partial to my shrew and Bill the Pony in LOTRO, and in World of Warcraft I am often seen with a little pug alongside (I grew up with pugs). In DDO, I have a kobold, because how could you not have one? They’re objectively the best race in the game with the best quotes!
So what about you? What pet do you have at your beck and call? And if you’re feeling particularly proud, pull your pet out and post its pic in the comments!