The difference in the number of active crafters and gatherers is the main reason for the varying degrees of progress between the various Worlds shown on the Lodestone’s Builders’ Progress Report. To help ease this disparity, we decided to allow players to visit other Worlds within their data center and lend their assistance to the Ishgardian Restoration efforts of that World.
This is the first time we have implemented this type of cross-world content, and we apologize for the issues described above. However, for the first few days following the release of this content, we would like to observe the trends in each World before coming to any decisions. We understand that being unable to participate in the Ishgardian Restoration on your own World can be very stressful. But please rest assured that we are preparing emergency measures that we can put into action should the situation deteriorate, at which time an announcement will be made. In the meantime, we ask for your patience and understanding as we work to improve your experience with this content.
Yoshida also went on to clarify that while this stage of the restoration is not particularly endgame-focused, later stages will be more focused upon high-end progression for crafters; this stage is meant to help more players level and grow accustomed to the system, and further updates are planned for patch 5.2 and beyond. The first stage of construction is a prelude to later higher-difficulty recipes, the reintroduction of the Diadem, a scratch-off ticket system, crafter rankings, and more endgame development. So don’t fret if you’re finding this stage to be easier than you might have expected, and don’t worry too much about the people who are no-sleeping their way through the first stages of rebuilding. There’s a lot of road ahead.
That road probably leads to Ishgard housing, of course, but that’s not going to be tomorrow. So relax.