Remember during our Star Citizen interview when we went wink-wink about a commerce-based announcement? That announcement has been fully realized with the Kraken Privateer.
While the Kraken light carrier is fine for those who want to provide military hardware on-demand, the Kraken Privateer is more about offering players commercial opportunities, replacing around 80% of its cargo capacity for its own marketplaces; eight public market locations and two private market locations, each with 189 SCU of storage space. Yes, this is effectively the “space mall” that systems designer Jake Muehle talked with us about.
The Kraken Privateer also features a number of landing pads for visiting vehicles to land, a private hangar for personal vehicles, an engineering platform for crewmates to keep an eye on the engines, and a massive bridge that promises to “redefine what it means to captain a capital-class vessel.”
The Kraken Privateer was being offered as a limited-time concept pledge for a reported $1,700 according to our tipster. We say “was” because the ship has already sold out through its three sale waves, as evidenced by the most recent funding stats and a lack of a purchase button on the ship’s website. You can at least get a look at the Kraken Privateer both at the ship’s dedicated web page and in the ship preview panel video from this year’s CitizenCon, which also took a closer look at the Carrack and the Pisces.
The release of the ship-mall drove the game’s funding past the 250M mark.
Yea, 250 Million funding – It’s not really (just) about spaceships! ;) from starcitizen