The new year has arrived once again, and for fans of Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI that means letters from the producers of both titles. Naoki Yoshida has penned his annual letter to the community of FFXIV, which does not technically announce a Fan Festival this year but very clearly implies that we can expect precisely that. It also drops some cryptic hints about the direction of the story as well as promising a satisfying conclusion to the saga of the First through 5.2 and 5.3.
Meanwhile, producer Akihiko Matsui has outlined some of FFXI’s plans for the new year, including new content designed to upgrade Wanted equipment and adjusting several system-side hurdles to entering battlefield content. He also reiterates his team’s dedication to bringing the game safely to its 20-year anniversary as we enter the new decade, something that is fast approaching for the title. Combine that with the promise of a fan gathering this year, and fans of FFXI have plenty to be excited about for 2020.