It’s become a bit of an unhappy tradition here on MOP to take stock of Daybreak at the start of every year, due in no small part to the fact that in 2015 as we were moving from Old Massively to new, SOE was likewise morphing into Daybreak and was slammed with game purges (it’s close to 20 shuttered titles now) and layoffs. At the time, we didn’t know it would become a recurring thing, but Daybreak’s struggles have unfortunately only continued five years later. And this was a studio that once won best studio four years in a row thanks to its reputation for keeping beloved MMORPGs going.
- In 2015, you picked Dragon’s Prophet. It sunsetted later that year.
- In 2017, you picked PlanetSide 2. Fortunately, it lives.
- In 2018, you picked Just Survive, and you folks nailed that one.
- And in 2019, you picked the unannounced EverQuest game, though only if I discount “all of the above.” At this point, we assume it’s still happening since Daybreak keeps teasing it.
So how about this year? Forget Columbus Nova; just in the last year, Daybreak suffered multiple layoffs, project closures and cancellations, while its long-delayed PlanetSide Arena has already been scheduled for termination and the studio has confirmed it’s spinning out its franchise studios for a “realignment.” Which Daybreak MMO do you think is most vulnerable now?
Leaderboard: What's the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2020?
- DC Universe Online (9%, 33 Votes)
- EverQuest (7%, 29 Votes)
- EverQuest II (4%, 16 Votes)
- H1Z1 (PS4) (7%, 29 Votes)
- Z1 Battle Royale (PC) (17%, 66 Votes)
- PlanetSide 2 (9%, 33 Votes)
- The rumored EverQuest 3 game (13%, 49 Votes)
- The EverQuest mobile game we assume is still being built (3%, 10 Votes)
- The H1Z1 mobile game we assume is still being built (2%, 8 Votes)
- A different unannounced game (0%, 1 Votes)
- The Standing Stone MMOs that Daybreak publishes (2%, 8 Votes)
- All of the above (26%, 100 Votes)
- None of the above (2%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 388