The most recent livestream from Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen offered a couple of looks behind the curtain on some of the work being done for the developing MMORPG, including a look at the UI of the Living Codex, a peek at the Murk location, and merch. Yay merch!
The Living Codex is, effectively, the UI element that helps players keep a look at their abilities, but it does have a couple of features in development including a sorting function, tabs for different kinds of abilities, and the ability for players to add tabs to abilities to create their own groups. Abilities can also be upgraded using ability points, with radial buttons below abilities that can be upgraded.
The devs then went on to read some patch notes, which promised “massive” improvements to client-side performance, a removal of memory allocation framerate spikes, UI improvements, refactored scrolling combat text, line of sight and chasing pathfinding improvements, and the implementation of NPC wandering zones among other updates. There was even a “hidden” note that was skipped over, though the devs promised that would be revealed at a later time.
The stream also offered a couple of quick whitebox screenshots of the Murk, a discussion about working on NPC wandering AI, and the aforementioned showcase of merch items. You can get the complete look in the embed below.