The Ashes of Outland expansion is fast approaching Hearthstone and Blizzard is looking to drum up the hype with the help of a freshly opened preview site. This page is chock full of information for players to explore, including a look at every card arriving with the expansion and some quick rundowns of the Demon Hunter class, Prime Legendaries class cards, and the Imprisoned Demon minion type that stays dormant for two turns but boasts powerful stats and abilities once it’s unleashed.
To further help folks remember that Hearthstone is a thing, the game has teamed up with Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast food restaurants to release a commemorative drink cup between now and April 21st. So now you can have Illidan Stormrage scowl at your choice of soda. Yay?
In the more immediate future of Hearthstone, a hotfix was released this past Saturday that addresses several issues on the server side of update 17.0 including failure to have the Returning Player Experience engage for eligible players and some card-specific bugs. This coming Monday, March 30th, will also see a data-only patch that addresses further card issues, while a number of known issues should self-resolve once Ashes of Outland goes live. Most of these updates shouldn’t require any downloading (save for the expansion, naturally), but players can get all the details regardless.