Sometimes board games go into odd directions. Small World of Warcraft is not “World of Warcraft but everyone is smaller,” despite the name; it’s a collaboration between Blizzard and Days of Wonder to produce a new board game set in the universe of the former using the mechanics of the latter. In essence, you’re trying to lead a collection of ideas from WoW to dominate the world of Azeroth, ranging from “Pandaren Portal Mage” to “Goblin Herbalist.”
Apparently no one can rule Draenor in this game. Maybe it’s a future expansion.
Players will compete with other players while preparing to “retire” overextended races, mechanics familiar to those who have played the other games using the Small World game mechanics. There’s a brief teaser just below, but you’ll have to wait until the board game’s actual release (planned for this summer) to really sink your teeth into it. At least now you can try to ensure that the Draenei actually inherit the world, if you’d like.