In a bit of a low-key announcement this morning, Perfect World and Cryptic have taken the lid off what’s next for Neverwinter. If you followed the studios’ roadmap – and its subsequent delays – earlier this year, then you already know the content revolves around Module 19, aka Avernus, and the Saga of Zariel. Today’s dev blog homes in on Avernus itself.
“The saga of Avernus continues with a new quest that takes you into the heart of the hellish landscape,” Lead Designer Randy “Arkayne” Mosiondz explains.
“Makos introduces you to a myriad of strange and monstrous denizens who survive and thrive there. From the scrapyards of Fort Knucklebone to the heights of the Bleeding Citadel, your journey will bring you into conflict with the devils, demons, and other denizens who fight over this blighted wasteland. Fortunately for adventurers from the Prime Material Plane, even in this layer of the Nine Hells help can be found. Celestial forces who have spent millennia trying to eradicate this bastion of evil have left their mark. While few in number, these angelic allies are willing to help you fight the fiends of this domain.”
And that’s pretty much it, though Mosiondz does say it’ll be “launching soon on PC and a later date on console.” (It looks like it was originally meant to come in June, but it’s not clear how much it’ll be delayed – maybe not much at all, given the “soon.”)
Lead Designer Randy Mosiondz introduces the upcoming module, Neverwinter: Avernus! https://t.co/L4UFKAqGbP pic.twitter.com/UjjcIdAc2g
— Neverwinter (@NeverwinterGame) May 27, 2020