It’s not International Talk Like a Pirate Day, but cutthroat seafarers are making the headlines over in Hearthstone with today’s Patch 17.4. The update tosses in 17 minions and three heroes themed around Azeroth’s famous pirates, so if being a swashbuckler fox or an Orc buccaneer will make your week better, then now you know where to go.
The patch marks the start of Hearthstone’s Felfire Festival of Music and Vengeance, which continues on June 17th with a Trial by Felfire story adventure, Trial by Felfire challenges on the 24th, and a legendary questline that will pay out in free card packs.
Over in another Blizzard property, Diablo III is wrapping up its 20th season on June 21st. So if you want to get those double goblins, nab that bat pet, and complete your feral class sets, you need to get cracking!
Source: Hearthstone, Diablo