If Amazon’s detailed dev blogs on New World’s crafting and progression didn’t grab you, maybe the studio’s latest video will. The devs lay out the five progression systems in the game that all interweave together: character leveling and attributes, weapon abilities, improve-by-use tradeskills, territory standing, and factional PvP and missions.
The middle chunk of the video focuses specifically on crafting and how players will be designing and enhancing their weapons with rare resources and perks.
“We really wanted to have a deep crafting system in the world,” Lead UX Designer Dan Henuber says. “Everything in the game supports it in one way or another. […] Between perks, gems, and the crafting skill families, you have massive amounts of control over your crafts. Depending on the time you want to spend in it, you can become the best craftsman on the server.”
Beta is still slated for July 23rd. The video is below.