This week, ArenaNet has decided to set off its own community fireworks with some advance patch notes detailing class balance adjustments coming to Guild Wars 2 on Tuesday, July 7th, as part of efforts to let players theorycraft and discuss ahead of the update.
The notes are somewhat incomplete, missing an important change to the Thief and a callout of the first point of adjustment to the Necromancer, but they’re otherwise comprehensive, with deep dives into what’s been tweaked and the rationale for said tweaks.
Points of note in this patch are a nerfing to the Guardian’s “Feel My Wrath!” shout, the return of self-shattering for Chronomancers, a nerf to damage build soulbeast Rangers, and some trait shifting for the Necromancer’s signets and wells along with new grandmaster traits to name a few.
As one would expect, there’s plenty of reaction from the GW2 community to drown oneself in, as well as one Redditor condensing the notes to almost Twitter-like proportions. There’s also a video from YouTuber and streamer Mukluk that scours through the notes whilst turning his face into a horror infant; if you’re in to that, it’s below the cut.