PlayNYC, the newly digital games con in New York, ended yesterday, which means Valiance Online’s brief open beta whereby anyone could play should have ended also. It didn’t, though, and that’s because the team decided to extend that beta another two weeks.
“The sad news? We were so focused on finding fixes for some major issues, we pushed back the update, for a while during this week. The good news? My fingers are itching to hit that button to edit and announce that the patch is live. (full of fixes, content additions, a new launcher, etc.) The best news? Because of this major patch we are extending our open beta by 2 whole weeks!!! That’s right, we want to make sure everyone get’s a real feel for Valiance as it normally is, with quests, more mobs, nicer looking animations, etc. We’ve noticed the announcement of ‘This is just Network testing’ has slipped through the cracks quite a few times, and we want to show you the city of San Cielo like you’ve never seen!”
That patch is live as of this morning, with a long (long) list of changes of everything from the physics build and mobs to animations and UI tweaks.
We dished out our first impressions from this test event last week, and you can take a peek for yourself with the demo below.
Here's our demo from today's #PlayNYC stream! https://t.co/Pb2GthjCHJ#ValianceOnline #beta
— Valiance Online (@ValianceOnline) August 17, 2020