There are swimsuits. There will always be swimsuits. Did you think that Blade & Soul, a game with lady characters who are 60% leg by volume and wherein everyone appears to have a layer of oil helpfully applied at all times, would run out of swimsuits? Of course there are swimsuits with the new Summer Chill event. There are new swimsuits, and there are old swimsuits you can now earn if you missed them before, and it’s just swimsuits all the way down. And that’s not even the only event running when the game’s next patch arrives on August 19th.
The other events include fewer swimsuits but more game-affecting elements, like the Hongmoon Boot Camp for getting into PvP, the Midnight Hour giving you extra rewards for fighting against the Longgui, or cheaper upgrades to hearts for the event duration. These non-swimsuit events are smaller in scope, so you would do well to run down the whole thing to check for what side benefits you can pick up whilst prancing about in your new swimsuit. Because you already knew there would be swimsuits. Don’t front.