The Rising has begun because it’s Final Fantasy XIV’s relaunch anniversary, and that means stories. Yes, every year’s anniversary is marked by stories exploring the corners of the game’s lore, and the first of these stories is now available to be read. Without spoiling it, it’s a tale of Beq Lugg before their isolation away from Voeburt, in the latter days of the nation… and it centers around a figure you have almost certainly heard of but probably not given much thought to before now.
Of course, the anniversary celebrations also include new stuff for you to buy because of course they do. On the one hand, it’s a bit obnoxious to take this opportunity to just sell something; on the other hand, you can buy yourself that four-seater chocobo carriage that you’ve seen NPCs driving around and it’s an account-wide purchase. So this might produce some conflicting feelings, that’s what we’re getting at here.