So the last patch for Torchlight III took a little while to arrive, but you can rest easy knowing that launch approaches! A date for that fabled actual launch will be here soon. How soon? Why, in a jiff! Are you now annoyed because a jiff is not actually a timeframe but an ambiguous statement? Then you’re following along, as the latest state of the game letter promises a date for the final wipe and full launch at a similarly vague point in the future.
[AL:TL3]The other major element of note is that discussions are underway for supporting the game post-launch with content and patches, although the volume of support will depend in part upon the playerbase and player demands for same. Still, it’s good to know that we’re going to start moving out of early access and into the somewhat more reliable waters of launch. Pity we don’t know exactly when that will be, but you’ll find out in the near future. (For a given definition of “near.”)Source: Steam